
Surah: 053 - Ayah: 002

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Sahib (Companion)

In verse (53:2) the reason for God’s oath in the preceding verse is that when the holy Prophet went to micraj, your world of particles was with him in the state of annihilation and oneness. This great wisdom (ta’wil) is hidden in the phrase "your companion". That is, the holy Prophet is the companion and guide of the people of faith until micraj. Praise belongs to Allah, the Sustainer of all worlds!

Thousand Wisdoms 491 (262)

Q38 In the following verse (53:2), it is said as a complement of the oath: “Your companion has neither gone astray nor has he been misled.” Here the question is that if the holy Prophet had been alone in his spiritual micraj and if the souls of mu’mins had not been with him, then in the ultimate destination of micraj, God would not have described him as “your companion”. What is your observation about this?

A38 It is clear from the answer to question 36 that the holy Prophet was not alone in his spiritual micraj. Rather, all human souls were merged in him either actually or potentially and were therefore with him. It is because of this that God describes him as “your companion” in this verse.

'-Caskets of Pearls Vol 1- (24)'

This verse has been referred 5 times.