
Surah: 072 - Ayah: 008

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as-Sama’ ad-dunya (The nearest heaven)

In verse (72:8) it is mentioned: "And We sought the heaven, but We found it filled with strong guards and shooting flames." It is clear that this is that heaven of spirituality which is close to man and jinn, i.e. the rank of Imamat, but there are many lamps of protection in it, from which light spreads and flaming missiles are hurled.

Thousand Wisdoms 464 (248)

Q268 There is no doubt that the entire Qur’an is full of the wonders and marvels of knowledge and wisdom, including Chapter 72 “The Jinn”, which is related to jinns, as they said in verses (8, 9, 11): “And we sought … different ways.” Please explain to us to which group of jinn does the description of the Chapter “The Jinn” belong? Is it the nearest heaven that was sought? Does this event belong to the personal world or the external world? Is it true that before the advent of the holy Prophet, the devils could reach the heaven and listen to the conversation of angels?


  • There is a collective description of jinns in this Chapter.
  • This is the same nearest heaven mentioned in question 267.
  • This, in reality is the story of the personal world.
  • Yes, it is true, but after the advent of the holy Prophet the flames prevent them (see 67:5).
Casket of Pearls Vol 1 (131)

This verse has been referred 6 times.