
Surah: 076 - Ayah: 020

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The bright proof of the superiority and excellence of true life and intellect in the external world is that worldly things according to the exigency of Intellect and wisdom are placed in a specific order and wisdom-filled gradation, in which minerals are at the bottom because they are inanimate. Above them are vegetables in which the vegetative soul works and due to which they have supremacy over minerals. Above vegetables are animals which although they do not have intellect, due to the animal soul they have become able to feel and move and thereby are superior to vegetables. Above animals is mankind who, due to particular intellect, has become king over them. This is not the end of the gradation however, because there are many strata of human beings and every higher stratum becomes the king of the lower ones due to intellect and wisdom. This is an example of worldly intellect. But those mumins who struggle for the perfection of religious intellect, God willing, will be kings of the personal worlds. For the special bounties of Paradise which are imperishable are in the form of the everlasting kingdom of it (76:20; 5:20; 4:54; 67:1).

Pure intellect 6-7

Fatimah (Daughter of the Prophet, chief of the ladies of paradise)

It is said in a Hadith: "Fatimah is the chief of the women of paradise." (Bukhari, Cairo,V, 36; Delhi, V, 74). This Hadith is among the proofs of the greatness of the holy ahl-i bayt. This Hadith shows that Fatimah is the sovereign of the women of paradise, because there is sovereignty for the great people of faith. (see verse 76:20).

Thousand Wisdoms 642 (342)

Maliik (King)

O my dears! The highest rank of paradise is the magnificent kingdom (mulk-i kabar, 76:20). It is necessary for all mu'mins to be aware of the wisdom of the related verses, so that hope for tomorrow (hereafter) may be stronger. Thus, another such verse is: "And He made you kings" (5:20). That is, when your Imam or his Hujjat was in the destination of cIzra'il, he was making paradisiacal attires for you. When you will wear them in paradise, you will become kings. Although exoterically this story belongs to the children of Israel, esoterically it belongs to the mu'mins of every age.

Thousand Wisdoms 859 (448)

8. Tomorrow on the Day of Resurrection, those who are virtuous, possessors of good will and true servants of faith throughout the world of Islam, will be masters and kings in Paradise. If service to the Qur’an and Islam is according to Divine will, then this service can be the head or the king of all forms of service whose reward in Paradise is certainly the great kingdom (76:20), because in this world there is no greater worship and service than the former and in the hereafter no greater reward than the latter.

Forty Wisdoms of Jihad (4)

Q184 The subject of subjugation (taskhir) is among the magnificent subjects of the mighty Qur’an, in which, indeed there are great secrets. Please tell us whether the universe has already been subjugated to mu’mins, or is it going to be subjugated in the future?

A184 All the verses related to subjugation say that the universe and all that it contains has already been subjugated to humankind. However, it should be known that this supreme favour of God is related to the higher “I” (ana-yi culwi) and the kamils (Perfect Men) and carifs (those who have recognised God) and who have experienced and comprehended that the universe is subjugated to all at the spiritual subliminity of the higher “I” and Monoreality. Another name of this subjugation is a magnificent kingdom of paradise (76:20), which comprises the exterior and interior of the microcosm and macrocosm.

Casket of Pearls Vol 1 (93)

This verse has been referred 14 times.