
Surah: 078 - Ayah: 013

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related refs 24:35, 33:46, 57:28,

                               Diagram of the verses of Light

The Qur’ᾱn!!! Universe!!! Personal World
Verse of Misbah (24:35)!!! Sun!!! The intellect
Verse of Siraj (33:46)!!! Moon!!! The Soul
Verse of Kiflayn (57:28)!!! Stars!!! Human faculties
In verse (78:13),it is said : “and We have made a glowing lamp (sun) “Reflect that the sun is greatly praised in this verse, but how? By comparing it with a glowing lamp. The wisdom of this is that in the Qur,an and spirituality wherever the sun is mentioned or observed, it should be known that it is this luminous lamp which is praised in the verse of misbah (24:35) This shows that in “Chiragh-I rawshan ’’is hidden the ta’wil of the center of inner lights. There is no doubt that externally it is a tradition, but its inner wisdoms are truly amazing. God willing , by the spiritual help of the Imam of the time, we will mention some of those wisdom here, so that the knowledge of student and friends may be increased considerably.

Chirᾱgh-I Rawshan (21)

This verse has been referred 3 times.