
Surah: 085 - Ayah: 022

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related refs 7:187, 2:255,

Q459 The following is also a farman of the Commander of the faithful, Hazrat cAli(c): “I am the guarded Tablet”. Please tell us where in the Qur’an it is prominently mentioned? What is its praise? In which world is it?


  • The prominent mention of the guarded Tablet is in verse (85:22) of the Qur’an.
  • Its glorification is that the [luminous] holy Qur’an in which there is everything in the form of eternal inscription (naqsh-i azal) is in it.
  • Since by the guarded Tablet is meant the light of cAli(c)/the Imam-i mubin, the light is in the forehead, whose hidden name is the higher world. Yes, the light of cAli(c)/the Imam-i mubin is the archangel Universal Soul, who is the guarded Tablet.
Casket of Pearls Vol 1 (220)

The ta’wili wisdom of the spiritual resurrection mentioned in verse (7:187) is truly amazing. However, it is extremely necessary to think deeply and understand that resurrection is the supreme light of Hazrat qa’im, calayna salamuhu, whose bearer is the Universal Soul, in whose grip the entire universe is preserved.

You may know that the Universal Soul is the kursi (2:255) as well as the guarded Tablet (85:22), the supreme light of Hazrat qa’im as well as the fountainhead of spiritual resurrection and junction of the two sciences.

Study the ayatu’l-kursi in the light of ta’wili wisdom and also the wisdom-filled description about the Universal Soul in the book Zadu’l-musafirin.3

Confluence of Spiritual Science and Material Science (14)

This verse has been referred 9 times.