Surah: 090 - Ayah: 004
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Countless goals are attained by fulfilling the rules of Islam, but it has always been the law of Divine wisdom to explain only the supreme goal and to try the people in the knowledge and recognition of subsidiary goals and benefits, so that, along with the maturity of faith, they may reflect on the verses (of the Qur’an). For, the creation and progress of the intellect is not possible without this blessed and wisdom-filled labour and exercise. As it is mentioned in verse (90:4): “Indeed, We have created man in toil”. By toil in this wisdom-filled verse is meant the struggle for knowledge and recognition in which lies human perfection.
In order to prevent physical diseases, work, exercise and movement is extremely necessary, for the law of the Qur’an implies that the external and internal creation and completion of man is impossible without hard work and toil (90:4). No soul is charged beyond its capacity (2:233). When man is in the womb of a mother, the law of nature compels him to move and when he is born, this movement, which is seemingly disorganised, increases day by day and becomes stronger and stronger. In short, the great secret of health and success is hidden in constant movement and hard work.
This verse has been referred 3 times.