Surah: 091 - Ayah: 009
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Now, in the light of these wisdom-filled Traditions of the holy Prophet, the cure of bad dreams is not difficult, because now it has become quite clear that bad dreams are from the devil. Thus, the only cure of this disease is that the mu'min, by his word and deed, i.e. knowledge and action, should escape from the devil and seek protection in the presence of God, the Sustainer of the world, as the glorious Qur’an says: “He indeed is successful who purified it (his soul)” (91:9). For, if the soul is polluted with dirt, the devil gets a chance to attack it, and if it is pure, he does not get a chance to attack and remains disappointed.
Purification of the soul: The wise Qur’an has not only warned man of waswasah and the deception of the carnal soul and the devil, but has also taught the method through which a mu'min can be cured from this disease, as indicated in: “He indeed is successful who purified it (soul), and he indeed failed who buried it in debauchery.” (91:9-10). It is understandable that so many good deeds of religion are enjoined for the sake of the purification of the soul, because without it, there is no success for a mu’min. It is clear in the noble Qur’an that the spiritual and intellectual purification of mu'mins is possible through knowledge and wisdom (2:129,151; 3:164), and in order to attain this exalted place, the true obedience of God and the Prophet is indispensable, without which nobody can conceive true knowledge and wisdom.
Recognition of One’s Own Soul and Recognition of God
Yes, it is true that the knowledge of the recognition of one’s own soul (khud-shinasi) and that of God (Khuda-shinasi) is the supreme knowledge, which is hidden in the secrets of the heavenly scripture and in the book of the universe. Among these books, one is in the form of a compendium (mujmal) and the other is in an elaborate form (mufassal). There is a third book, which is living and speaking, known as the book of self (kitab-i zat) or the book of soul (kitab-i nafs), which is also called the book of spirit (kitab-i ruh). About this book it is said in the Qur'an: “He is indeed successful who purifies it (soul) (91:9)”. The purification of the soul or the spirit is necessary for, in its original state it is a miraculous mirror, which one should call ainah-yi haqa’iq-numa (the mirror which shows the realities)”, for in it are reflected the signs of the Compassionate (ayat-i Rahman) in their full splendour and brilliance and in real theophanies, whether they are those of the Qur'an or those of the physical world.
This verse has been referred 6 times.