Surah: 099 - Ayah: 001
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The fourth and last mention of spiritual quake is mentioned in the entire Soratul-Zilzal (99:1-8), in which many tawil secrets are hidden. The sorah is: "In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. When the earth shall quake with a terrible quake of her own, and the earth will bring forth her burdens, and man shall say: What is happening to her? On that day, she shall relate (all) her news, that your Lord revealed to her. On that day people shall come out in a scattered state to see their own deeds. Then whosoever has done an atom's weight of good shall see it, and whosoever has done an atom's weight of evil shall see it."
Tawil wisdom: It has already been clear in the light of Quranic verses that the quake of Resurrection is always related to the personal world of the mu'mins and the perfect ones only, and hence without any doubt, the earth and its severe spiritual quake is only in the personal world. This is because the mu'min who walks on the spiritual path has a human body, which is a compendium of countless cells, in some of which the souls are dead, some half dead, some dormant, some half dormant, some awake, but negligent. Thus according to the law of Resurrection, it became necessary to awaken them by causing them to quake with great severity and to make them pure and subtle with a wisdom-filled dissolving movement.
Zulzilat (It was shaken)
The quake of the personal resurrection is mentioned in the surah of Zilzal (99:1-8), which is a tremendous miracle of the personal world, whereby the sÀlik is purified and hears spiritual conversation. The resurrection of all the representative particles of people takes place in a hidden way in this personal resurrection.
This verse has been referred 7 times.