
Surah: 114 - Ayah: 001

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Referring to the suratu'n-Nas (114:1-6) I would like to say that if khannas (sneaking devil) which is from among both the jinn and mankind, was not threaded with all others on the string or wire of soul, i.e., were he not threaded on this all-embracing string, then how would it have been possible for him to insinuate wicked thoughts in the hearts of people? Although this example is related to evil, the wisdom which lies in it is very amazing and invites the people of wisdom to reflect upon it. One point in this is that the devil was first an angel, now he is a jinn as well as a man. The other point is that a person can sink in evil to the extent that he can, on his own insinuate wicked thoughts in the hearts of the people of the whole world. For angel, jinn, devil and man all have a soul, and the soul is like the string of a rosary, or a string of pearls, or a telephone wire, through which one can transmit a good or a bad current to many people. It is obvious that the command of God has precedence over everything and every law.

Book of Healing (184)

This verse has been referred 2 times.