Gems of Qur'anic Knowledge and Wisdom - Part 82

Part 82

Tags: Religion of Qa'im, Auditory miracle

By the Name of Allah, the most Compassionate, the most Merciful.

Qur'anic references of the religion of Qa'im: 9:36, 12:40, 30:30, 30:43 and 98:5.

     Huwa'l-Awwal huwa'l-Akhir huwa'z-Zahir huwa'l-Batin 
     Munazzah maliku'l-mulki kih bi-payan hashr darad 
(He is the First, He is the Last, He is the Manifest, He is the Hidden. He is the pure Sovereign of a kingdom that has countless resurrections.)

While writing part 81 [of this series of articles] this afternoon, a great auditory miracle of the supreme light (nur-i a`zam) manifested. I say this with conviction that this unique melody which was free from words was an example of the melodies of paradise which discontinued in less than a minute. After a while my dear student Shamsuddin called me and I thought that he had also experienced this miracle, however he did not mention such a thing. I performed a prostration of gratitude and my giryah-u zari commenced. Alhamdu li'llahi `ala mannihi wa ihsanihi!

Monday 7 March 2005

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