Qur'anic Minarets - O Heart! Answer!

O Heart! Answer!

Tags: Miracle, fragrance, Jinn

Q.1 O heart! In the light of the exoteric and esoteric guidance of the True Guide, tell us why the miracle of the personal quake occurred to me in 1946 in Poona (Pune) when this humble entity was blessed with holy didar of Hazrat-i Mawlana Sultan Muhammad Shah (May peace be through him)?
A.1 O ungrateful human being! Shed well tears of gratitude because in it was the glad tiding that your Imam is the Lord of resurrection and that the personal resurrection was going to happen to you.

Q.2 In Sariqul (China) in an amazing dream an unknown person had slaughtered me, my head was hanging on a wall in a north-to-south direction and my body too was lying on the ground in a similar position and I was observing towards the east a scene in which at some height from the ground there was a strange, shining atmosphere. I felt neither sadness nor sorrow, in fact, I was experiencing an inexplicable happiness. O heart! Tell me what is its ta'wil?
A.2 O you sunk in the sleep of negligence! Wake up! Continue praying and supplicating that you have had God's grace and beneficence (2:71; 3:169). Under the wall there was the hidden treasure (18:82); it was also the example of Dhu'l-qarnayn (May peace be through him)'s wall (18:94) and that luminous atmosphere was the hereafter and the higher world.

Q.3 I saw a pellucid ocean in the world of dream, none of its shores are visible. I do not know how I fell into it and drowned. I thought that being suffocated I would die. However, this did not happen, rather I was extraordinarily happy. What was the wisdom in it?
A.3 O shepherd! Do not be proud! Otherwise, you will perish. That pellucid ocean was the spiritual knowledge of the manifest Imam (36:12), which is pure.

Q.4 I have observed countless wonders and marvels in wakeful state, imagination, dream and spirituality, a few of which are mentioned here. One of them was in prison, when I leaned against the wall to do `ibadat, the moment my head touched the wall, I felt that something from within me was passing through the solid wall. What was that thing?
A.4 O dust under the feet of mu'mins! If these questions are for the sake of spreading spiritual knowledge, fine! Otherwise, you must not ask them. Remember that that amazing miracle of passing through the wall was the miracle of the subtle body, for which nothing can be an obstacle.

Q.5 When I was imprisoned for the first time and at night I was sleeping alone in a dark place, around midnight a small stone was pelted [towards me] similar to a catapult pellet, from which an unpleasant stench spread [in the room]. What was this event?
A.5 Adopt the habit of shedding tears with utmost humility (giryah-u zari) lest you become the victim of the disease of self-conceit! The hoopoe had come to you from the Sulayman (May peace be through him) of the time with an invitation and that stench was its sign. Know that before receiving fragrance, such a stench is experienced so that you may be sure that in spirituality there are bad things and good things.

Q.6 It is obvious that Satan does not have a single guise, he attacks in manifold forms. Thus, during the spiritual revolution, he came in the guise of a spider and addressed me with a title. In the meantime, a spiritual being (ruhani) cautioned me: Beware! You must keep utter silence and not reply to it. The question here is why did Satan appear in the guise of a spider in front of me
A.6 O dim-witted human being! You must prostrate in gratitude that the exalted Imam helped you and Satan came to attack you in the weakest guise, as alluded to in verse (29:41), otherwise, you would have been afflicted with great trouble.

Q.7 The name of the village where I lived in Yarqand (China) was Qarangu Tograq. From nearby a cock was giving the adhan in greatly mysterious Burushaski. Although it has many other meanings, yet one of them was to awaken the people of the village for the sake of `ibadat. However, the amazing thing is first that the cock had speech, secondly inviting people who knew only Turki, in the Burushaski language. What is the secret in it?
A.7 O the humblest servant! This secret is not such that it can be explained openly. Nonetheless, you must know the wisdom that this adhan is mostly related to your personal world, because all those people of Turkistan in it, speak Burushaski because of you.

Q.8 During my last solitary confinement, to keep me alive I was given only bare sustenance, perhaps to test my darwishi. However, by Divine grace and generosity, Sulayman (May peace be through him) of the time had pity on my miserable condition and indeed commanded jinns to provide me with subtle food. Thus, some invisible jinns conversed with me and started to let me smell subtle food in the form of a variety of fragrances. They were conversing with me in extremely eloquent Burushaski. They used to ask me: Which fragrance would you like as food? I would reply: Rose, yellow rose, the flower of the sorb tree (aka service tree), violet, chrysanthemum, etc. or the name of a fruit, or medicinal herb. Instantly, I would experience the fragrance. What is the secret in this?
A.8 O school boy! This [experience] is a great bliss. Continue to remember constantly the Lord of honour with utter humility! The secret of these fragrances is that they are linked with the fountainhead of Command (amr). That is, they come from the treasure of "Be (kun)".

Q.9 I was released from the last solitary confinement and sent back to my country. The journey was on horse-back. I started to remember a great Name in my heart. Instantly I felt that my horse was dancing ecstatically at some height from the ground. I opened my eyes, but I did not see any such thing. When I started to repeat the great Name in the same way, the same state recurred. What miracle of the great Name was this?
A.9 You have neither previous service (bandagi), nor gratitude for the favours shown you, yet it is amazing that this is the miracle of soul and the subtle body.

Q.10 The sun by its tongue of state says that the human soul is eternal and the moon shows that the soul despite being eternal also has novelty. Perhaps it was because of this fact that this prayer on the sighting of the new crescent: "Thos gatu jo mayn shuro jo [O God!] Grant us new attire and give us eternal sustenance" was taught in our mother tongue. On our return journey, when we stopped at a place in the evening a voice could be heard from the ground level in which a soul was reciting this tasbih with modulation and an instrument was also harmonising with it. With this, most of the particles of my soul were being taken out and all these things were gradually rising on something. What was this event?
A.10 O careless human being! You have not as yet reflected on these allusions! You must therefore reflect carefully on the above-mentioned prayer in which there is a clear allusion. On the whole, this event has many meanings, such as the ascending of speech and action (35:10), reviving after death (20:55), etc.

Q.11 Once I saw some amazingly subtle and pure people, from whose symbol of silken dress it appeared that they were the people of paradise (22:23). They were concealing their faces in veils and they were dancing and doing dhikr [God]. Who were those people?
A.11 O puppet of forgetfulness! They were jinns, that is, a group of paris. Do not forget that jinns are very great as well as very small. Thus, the jinns of the world of particles are in the form of particles. If we have to speak about science in terms of the Qur'an and the [story of] Sulayman (May peace be through him), we can definitely say that all the good works of a human body are being done by atomic jinns. Study the story of Sulayman (May peace be through him) in the light of spirituality and wisdom and see that you will have complete assurance that definitely cellular jinns are subjugated in the village of our personality and are engaged in their work.

Q.12 This is an event of Balakot. I was staying in the residence of a commission agent. Only I and his clerk (munshi) were sleeping in one room. The clerk said: "To tell the truth on this second night I have been shaken due to intense fear because around midnight an extremely frightening person comes and stands at the head of your bed. Now as for me, I cannot sleep in this room." Who was this frightening person?
A.12 O humble person! Instead of becoming happy, do giryah-u zari time and again that it was your friend jinn, that is your subtle body, whom you have seen many a time.

Q.13 Although an individual's personal world is not Sulaymani kingdom currently, it is indeed a small state as a model of it, in which countless armies of jinn, human beings and birds are working separately but in an orderly manner. They are all cells, spiritual particles and good germs (bacteria) and they can be observed in the light of Divine remembrance and spirituality. Is this correct?
A.13 Why not? However, you need to be consumed and transformed into dust and ashes in reverence of the knowledge of Imamat, that is, serve it with utmost humility.

Q.14 A devoted and pious sister from my family, late Bibi Rahnuma, the wife of late Munshi Gulam Muhammad Khan sahib, used to attain blessings from the assembly of dhikr in her village, Misgar. Once she performed more giryah-u zari than usual, so I thought that she had observed something. Later on, when I enquired of her, she told me that a mu'min (… Shah) dressed in an inside out leather coat was dancing amazingly and doing dhikr. Who was he?
A.14 He was a mu'min jinn. May the people of faith (iman) be blessed with the path of guidance, i.e., the straight path and the stations of recognition (ma`rifat)!

4 Ramazan 1410 AH/31st March, 1990 AD

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