
Surah: 002 - Ayah: 025

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related refs 03:15, 4:57,39:42, 56:35

Azwaj mutahharah (Purified wives)

Mutahharah (purified) is the past participle of the infinitive tathir (to purify). It should be noted that in paradise there are three types of purification: the replacement of the dense body by the subtle body, the blessings of the satisfied soul and those of the perfect intellect. In short, men and women are all purified in paradise (2:25; 3:15; 4:57).

Thousand Wisdoms 59 (45)

Hur (Paris of paradise)

It is mentioned in verse (2:25): "And they will have purified wives in them." That is, they will be pure physically, spiritually and intellectually by being transferred from the dense body to the subtle (paradises), because "purified (mutahharah)" is a past participle which means that the act of the purification of God or His angels has been applied to them in the hereafter. Thus it is true to say that the hur of paradise will be absolutely pure. That is, in the subtle body they will be like the flame of a candle, in spiritual progress like angels and their intellectual purity will be such that they will take the hidden Book in their hand, and their fortunate husbands will also have the same attributes. This is what the allusion of wisdom says.

Thousand Wisdoms 303 (161)

Rizq (Sustenance)

It is said in verse (2:25): "And whoever will be given fruits as food, they will say: This is what was given to us before." Three kinds of nourishment can be received in this world: physical, spiritual and intellectual. Physical nourishment is the one in which mu'mins, disbelievers and animals share equally. Spiritual and intellectual nourishment is special for the people of faith. It is this nourishment which is given in paradise, but in the most excellent and superb form.

Thousand Wisdoms 388 (210)

Q97 In verses (2:25; 3:15; 4:57) of the wise Qur’an, it is mentioned that there are purified spouses for mu’mins in paradise. Who has purified them and how? How many kinds of purity are there in this world? Will the husbands of the houris of paradise also be subtle and handsome?

A97 The Omnipotent God grants the subtle body to the women and men of paradise, which is luminous and due to which they become purified. The subtle body can also be called the paradisal attire. Those who are kamils in this world have five kinds of purity: bodily purity, ethical purity, ideological purity, spiritual purity and intellectual purity. Yes, the husbands of the houris of paradise will also be subtle and handsome.

Casket of Pearls Vol 1 (48)

Q102 Would you kindly give us another example of solving questions by this universal law?

A102 Almost all the people have forgotten the previous life of paradise. Thus, when those who believe and do righteous deeds will be given sustenance from the fruits of knowledge of paradise, they will say that this bounty was given in the paradise of the previous time (2:25). This shows that paradise is being given to people innumerable times, without a beginning and without an end, and they receive the subtle new attire and noble ancient knowledge every time, as it is said: “Thos gatu jo men shuro jo, that is, “(O Lord!) Grant (me) new attire and grant (me) old sustenance”.

Casket of Pearls Vol 1 (51)

Q381 People have some questions in their hearts, which they do not ask because of bashfulness. They are questions regarding the houris of paradise, despite the fact that there is the explanation of everything and answers to every question in the exoteric and esoteric aspects of the Qur’an and the hadith. We are therefore asking some such representative questions: Are there pari women in paradise? Are they called houris of paradise? Has God created them in paradise itself? It is a universally accepted fact that God has granted them everlasting elegance and beauty, but the question is why are they not commended with regards to knowledge?


  • Yes, there are pari women in paradise.
  • Yes, they are called the houris of paradise.
  • God, through His infinite mercy grants a subtle body to the women of this world and makes them the houris of paradise.
  • The great Qur’an does commend the knowledge of houris according to their ranks. However, it should be remembered that there are many more words and examples [to express] the meanings of knowledge.
  • One example is verse (2:25): “And for them there are purified wives”. Note that purity is always of three kinds: physical, spiritual and intellectual. Thus, it is evident that the houris of paradise are purified physically, spiritually and intellectually. There is certainly an allusion in this [verse] to knowledge as well, because no intellect of this world can be purified without knowledge and wisdom.
Casket of Pearls Vol 1 (183)

(3) There is knowledge in everything of the Qur'an, such as verse (2:25): "In it (Paradise) there will be purified spouses for them." That is, they will have there subtle (luminous) body, pure soul and intellect full of knowledge, because whether in this world or in the next, purity cannot be conceived without knowledge. Thus, knowledge is mentioned in the sense of purity everywhere in the Qur'an.

Practical Sufism and Spiritual Science (9)

Hazrat Mawlana Imam Sultan Muhammad Shah, salawatu’llahi calayhi, says: “You will go to paradise in the luminous body (subtle body)”.53 Similarly, it is mentioned in verse (2:25): “And in it (paradise) they have purified wives.” The wives of paradise will be purified in their bodies, souls and intellects, and similarly their husbands too, as mentioned in verses (56:35-37): “We have created them of a [special] creation (i.e. We have granted them subtle bodies) and have made them pure, loving [their husbands] and equal in age.

The Wise Qur’an and the World of Humanity (68)

This verse has been referred 9 times.