
Surah: 002 - Ayah: 074

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related refs 5:13, 6:43, 22:53, 39:22, 57:16

Callousness of the heart (qasawat-i qalbi): Callousness is the condition due to which there is no pleasant effect of dhikr and `ibadat on a person, and he does not find any sweetness and happiness from the discourse of knowledge and wisdom. Such callousness is a very dangerous spiritual disease and it is strongly condemned in six places of the wise Qur’an (2:74; 5:13; 6:43; 22:53; 39:22; 57:16). Those who wish to benefit fully from the Heavenly Physician and Qur’anic medicine should first create within themselves the attribute of soft-heartedness.

Book of Healing (7)

One major spiritual disease is hardness (qasawat) of heart (2:74), that is, the loss of its tenderness and softness. The holy Qur’an condemns such a sick heart. For the sound heart is the one which is capable of melting again and again, so that it may be prosperous and illumined by the grace and blessings of the fear of God, knowledge and `ibadat.

Book of Healing (30)

This verse has been referred 5 times.