
Surah: 002 - Ayah: 247

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Tabut (Chest, ark of tranquillity, the ark of the covenant)

The ta'wil of what has been said in verse (2:247) is that by the chest is meant the totality of the spiritual miracles which contain spiritual and intellectual tranquillity from God and also the blessings of the knowledge of Prophethood and Imamat. Since the ark of tranquillity is spiritual, therefore to bring it is the work of angels. This spiritual miracle is the sign of the spiritual kingdom of the exalted Imam.

Thousand Wisdoms 183 (104)

Suwar (Copies of ibdai body, luminous bodies)

The Imam is called the lord of the ibdai body. It is in this sense that Hazrat Talut's knowledge and body are praised: "He said: Verily Allah has chosen him over you and has increased him abundantly in knowledge and body." (2:247). It is not possible for any body except the ibdai body to be spacious and ever-reaching like knowledge.

Thousand Wisdoms 517 (274)

This verse has been referred 6 times.