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Qur'anic Minarets - Prophet's and Imam's Blessings (Barakat)
Prophet's and Imam's Blessings (Barakat)
Tags: Sakinah, Prayer, Hazrat Talut, Hikmat-i baligah, Barakat, Salawat
- Observing in the light of a wisdom-filled Hadith of the holy Prophet, it becomes evident that the meaning of the religion of Islam as a whole is sincere advice and well-wishing (a'd-dinu'n-nasihah). Well-wishing consists of sincere or cordial prayers [as well as], those which are said with the heart. The great importance of prayer and well-wishing can be assessed well from this on the one hand and on the other, it becomes evident that there is nothing related to religion which does not have some guidance or indication for prayer.
- According to the people of wisdom, it is a certain fact that real worship is only possible in the light of recognition (ma`rifat) and at such a special place, prayer becomes the essence of worship. Nonetheless, all essences are not alike, nor are all prayers. Therefore, it is extremely necessary for us to recognise and search for such a prayer that is the chief of all prayers and the spirit of all well-wishing, and that is the blessed prayer of the holy Prophet and the true Imam. The people of faith are completely sure that this prayer is instantly accepted in the Divine court.
- Hazrat-i Nuh (May peace be through him) first prayed for his own forgiveness, then for his parents followed by praying for every believer who had entered his house of luminosity, and finally, he prayed for all the common believers (71:28). Hazrat-i Nuh (May peace be through him) sought forgiveness from the Lord for himself, for it was the esoteric purification (taharat) in order to pray [for others], then it became necessary to pray for his great parents and the believers of every rank. This example shows the significance of Prophetic prayer.
- How can any believer doubt the excellence of the blessed prayers of the Prophets? Nevertheless, the holy Prophet who was the Seal of Prophets and the beloved of God, the glory of his messengership is unique, similarly, his pure prayer too, is incomparable, as in the Qur'an God says (9:103): "And pray for them, indeed your prayer for them is the source of satisfaction for them." It should be noted that among the subjects and words of the holy Qur'an, a wisdom-filled link is hidden. Therefore, the first link of "sakan" is with the word "sakinah", which is mentioned in six places in the Qur'an and which means physical, spiritual and intellectual peace and satisfaction, which is granted by God. Remember too, the pleasant point that all the meanings of the Qur'anic words are revealed from the Divine Pen (that is, the Pearl of Intellect), therefore, all the ta'wils return to the place of the Intellect and are centred and gathered there. Thus, the indication in (9:103) of receiving peace for the believers from the blessed prayer of the holy Prophet is that the last stage of obtaining it is the Treasure of the Intellect, where there is the highest level of peace because it is the last destination (the desired destination) where a believer has to reside.
- The holy Prophet is the centre of mercy for all the worlds and all the times (21:107) and the rest of all Perfect Human Beings, that is Prophets and Imams are his representatives because God enfolds and unfolds each and every world, particularly the world of religion in its centre (2:245; 21:104). Thus, his prayer used to be received through the previous Prophets and continues to be received after him through the Imams who follow him, as mentioned in verse (6:20): "Those to whom We have given the Book (that is, the `arifs of the People of the Book) recognise him (the holy Prophet) as they recognise their sons." This fact is related to the `arifs of the time of Hazrat-i Musa (May peace be through him) and Hazrat-i `Isa (May peace be through him), who saw the light with their inner eye and recognised it. This is the place where great favours are granted, among them the light speaks to the `arifs: "I am your son because you gave me birth in your personal world. Thus, I will work for you like your son." If this is the state of `arifs when they reach the holy Prophet's light, what must be the status of the Prophets and Imams who are merged in it forever? It is evident from this bright proof that the people of faith receive the prayer of blessings (barakat) of the holy Prophet through the Imam of the time, which is an extremely great bliss.
- In verses (2:246-251) study the story of Hazrat-i Talut (May peace be through him) (who was an Imam) and the "ark of tranquillity (sanduq-i sakinah)" in the light of wisdom. However, you must remember that there is the word "ba`atha (He revived him)" in which the "inmbi`ath" is mentioned. That is, Hazrat-i Talut (May peace be through him), having undergone the stages of spiritual death, was truly revived in life, as is the Divine law for a Perfect Man. Another word is "malik (king)", which is used for the Imam who encompasses the universe with the knowledge of the Universal Intellect and the subtle body of the Universal Soul, as mentioned in verse (36:12): "And We have enclosed everything in a manifest Imam." In short, chosen believers received the "Ark of tranquillity" full of the precious pearls of Divine secrets from Hazrat-i Talut (May peace be through him)'s prayer of barakat, instructions and teachings. In such a state, why should one not have the azali and abadi tranquillity and satisfaction of intellectual wealth?
- In verse (54:5), the splendid way in which Qur'anic wisdom is praised, you will be extremely happy if its hidden secret is unveiled to you. The praise is in two words only, which are: "Hikmatun baligatun". Hikmat-i baligah means the wisdom of the extreme limit, such a wisdom which continues to touch all the secrets of azal and abad simultaneously. This is because the word 'balig' which is derived from 'bulug' is its present participle. The word 'bulug', which is from the root word 'balaga' means 'to reach' and its agent means 'one who reaches'. In order to reach, there has to be a limit or a place. Indeed, [for that there is] a limit and a place and that has numerous names and examples. This means that the deep wisdom of the Qur'an is "baligah" (reaching, one who reaches) in the sense that it not only reaches the "Treasure of azal" by itself, but it also guides every such believer who is granted the wisdom to reach the extremely high sublime place, the Treasure of azal.
- The word barkat [or its plural] barakat is such a wisdom-filled word of the Qur'an, which has unlimited meanings and in those meanings are mentioned the countless intellectual, spiritual and material bounties that never end, and their fountainheads continue to run towards the creatures because every such fountainhead is granted by God, may He be exalted and blessed. For example, the sun, observe what torrential waves of material barakat continue to spread in the universe from this extremely great fountainhead of light. This is only an account of the sun of the physical world. Now, let us talk about that refulgent sun which continues to always scatter the brilliant intellectual and spiritual barakat in the spiritual world. He indeed is the light of guidance and the lamp of knowledge and wisdom.
- Although Prophethood came to an end with the Prophet Muhammad (May Allah send blessings and peace through him and his progeny), the chain of vicegerency and Imamat continues so that the necessary matters may be accomplished by the light of guidance according to Divine will, and there should be neither any impediment (22:78) nor hardship and that there should be ease (94:6). There should be no lack in the perfection of the religion of Islam and the completion of Divine bounty (5:3), satisfactory prayer of barakat may continue to be received (9:103), believers may be purified spiritually and intellectually by the taking of zakat and teaching of knowledge and wisdom (9:103; 2:129, 2:151), bay`at or the oath of allegiance may be taken (48:10), worship may be by the beautiful Names (7:180), and so that this light of guidance may be linked to the light of the Qur'an and may act as the spiritual and luminous Teacher (5:15) and there may not exist the lame excuse on the Day of Resurrection that there was no guide after the holy Prophet (4:165).
- It is mentioned in verse (33:43) that Allah sends salawat on the believers and also His angels (in which there are the blessings (barakat) of knowledge and mercy) so that He may bring them forth from the darkness of ignorance into the light of knowledge and wisdom. We came to know without any doubt the main purpose of salawat from this luminous guidance and that is that Divine knowledge is for the intellect and the Divine mercy for the soul. Thus, these two meanings are hidden in the salawat. However, the question arises here whether this heavenly salawat is revealed through the holy Prophet, the mercy for the worlds, or is it revealed directly? The answer is that we recite according to the teachings of the holy Prophet: "Allahumma salli `ala Muhammad in wa al-i Muhammad", the purport of which is: "O Allah! The salawat You have mentioned (33:43), reveal it through Muhammad and the progeny of Muhammad." Thus, God sends salawat on His servants through this means. This very same secret is also hidden in the prayer of blessings of the Prophet and the Imam of the time. It is in this sense that great attention is drawn towards the importance of salawat. (It is necessary to reflect more here.)
- The command to call Allah by His Supreme Name is mentioned in the mighty Qur'an (7:180). However, who knows whether we are acting according to this command or not? Is it not the greatest mercy of God that His Supreme Name (the Imam of the time) prays for our good? (God willing) from this example, you will be able to understand more that the bliss of the two worlds of true believers lies in being able to obtain the happiness and the blessings of their Mawla and Lord, so that thereby they may attain the happiness of God and His Messenger.
- The greatest thing with God is the Command "Be", and the greatest thing with the servant is 'prayer'. There is an amazing kind of relationship between the Command and prayer. It is in the word as well as in the meaning, in love as well as in the acceptance. And if the Supreme Name himself says the prayer of blessings for you, this relationship becomes strong to the extreme end. Thus, O believers, try to understand the importance and excellence of the Imam (May peace be through him) of the time's blessings in the light of the very Qur'an, so that you may be able to melt and express gratitude for this great favour of the Lord of the worlds, that He, the merciful has kept you in the shadow of Imamat. He has engaged the universe externally and internally in your work, particularly the sun (that is, the Imam, 42:13) and has granted you everything (14:34; 31:20; 15:21). Praise belongs to Allah, the Lord of the worlds!
1 Rabi` II 1410 AH/1st November, 1989 AD
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