
Surah: 003 - Ayah: 046

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related refs 5:110, 33:46, 9:103, 9:32, 61:8, 57:28

Mahd (Bed, cradle)

In verses (3:46, 5:110) it is mentioned that Hazrat cIsa used to speak to people from the cradle as well as in mature age. The ta'wil of this is that the voice and conversation of ruhanis (spiritual beings) in the beginning of spirituality is like that of a baby in the cradle, but pure and free from error and later on, their voice and conversation become like that of a mature person.

Thousand Wisdoms 873 (454)

The eternal light (33:46) which has been commanded by God to cleanse and purify the people of faith (9:103), has already been made the cleanser ( mutahhir) and purifier (muzakki) both externally and internally. In reality, this cleansing and purification is in the form of knowledge and wisdom. Thus God has appointed the light of Imamat as the successor of the light of Prophethood so that it may continue to wash and purify people in the water of light (true knowledge) and this chain of light will never cease. It is in such sublime meanings that it is said that the Divine light will continue to illuminate and that nobody can extinguish it (9:32; 61:8; 57:28).

Fruits of Paradise (93)

This verse has been referred 2 times.