
Surah: 003 - Ayah: 143

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related refs 57:12, 66:8

The people of wisdom, if they wish, can see all the descriptions and allusions of spirituality in the noble Qur’an. Among them there is also the mention of the wisdom-filled blessed death, which happens to a mu'min who has high ambition and is in constant dhikr, before his physical death. This death is called the spiritual death. Thus the companions of the Prophet used to yearn not only for physical martyrdom (shahadat), but also for the bliss of the spiritual death. If in the light of verse (3:143) it is accepted that some great companions of the Prophet were blessed with the honour of spiritual death and spiritual martyrdom in this life, then we should ask ourselves what is meant by spiritual death and spiritual martyrdom? The correct answer to this question is that, by this death is meant the minor or personal resurrection, without which such an honourable death cannot take place, as it is said in a Hadith: “He who dies (spiritually or physically), his personal resurrection takes place.” (Ihya’, IV, 64)

Book of Healing (185)

For the fortunate mu'min who dies spiritually before physical death, the resurrection of his personal world and the gnostic resurrection takes place. Without this resurrection or revolution, the door of the recognition of the self and that of the Lord never opens, as the holy Prophet says: “He who dies, his resurrection takes place” (Ihya’, IV, 64). The holy Qur’an clearly alludes that some great companions of the Prophet, may God be pleased with them, had the experience of dying spiritually in their lifetime (3:143), which is possible in every age. After this I would like to explain how the light runs or works rapidly. In order to understand this sublime wisdom, it is necessary to study verses (57:12; 66:8). These verses show that this light is the light of recognition (nur-i ma`rifat). It has innumerable names, due to its innumerable representaions and there should not be any surprise in this. It is also called the light of intellect, which represents all realities and gnoses.

Book of Healing (262)

As is known, jihad is of two kinds, the physical and the spiritual. Similarly, shahadat or martyrdom is also of two kinds, the physical and the spiritual. Thus where shahadat is mentioned in the Qur’an, both kinds are meant by it, as is evident from verse (3:143): “And certainly you used to desire death before you met it; so indeed you have seen it and you look (at it)”. Reflect carefully that this is mainly addressed to the spiritual martyrs, who had seen the scene of their death.

Book of Healing (270)

This verse has been referred 6 times.