Book of Healing - Qur'anic Healing - Spiritual Science - Part Two
Prayer - Spiritual Science - Part Two
Tags: Spiritual Science, Soul, Subtle body, Single soul, prophecy, spirituality, Future miracles
1. In future, the inhabitants of the planet earth will willingly or unwillingly, have recourse to spiritual healing, because there is going to be the sway and rule of spiritual science. This pleasant prophecy is made by numerous verses of the wise Qur'an. It is the holy Qur'an which says that, immediately after the miracles of material science, there will appear the miracles of spiritual science (41:53). Whether this revolution of spirituality and hidden knowledge will start from Islamic countries, or according to heavenly wisdom and expediency from other countries, such as America, Russia, China, etc. its nature and form will be exactly the same as has been mentioned in the prophecies of the glorious Qur'an. This foresight is a bright proof of its being true and unique, which is perfect and complete in every respect and has been revealed to the Prophet of the last time, may peace be upon him and his progeny.
2. According to spiritual science, there are five special methods of healing:
- Healing by the Qur'an, i.e. Qur'anic healing which is being discussed in this book.
- Healing through knowledge, because most, rather almost all spiritual diseases are caused by the absence of intellect and knowledge, namely, ignorance.
- Healing through dhikr (remembrance of God), for due to the negligence of the remembrance of God, Satan gets a chance to do his work in the human heart and sows the seeds (germs) of one or the other disease in it.
- Healing through voice, this is because of the fact that every disease has a living soul. Voice, by the command of God, by putting pressure on it, can compel it to leave the body.
- Healing through touch, the benefit of which is that if the one who touches the patient is very pious, a perfect darwish, a real sufi and is full of subtle particles, then God willing, some of these particles transfer to the patient through his touch, and can kill the germs of disease or put them to flight. It was this method of healing which Hazrat `Isa used to practise and it was in this sense that he was called Masih or Messiah, i.e. the one who cures by the touch of the hand (3:45). This name is mentioned in eleven places of the glorious Qur'an.
3. In the Godhead of God, where there are universals, there are also particulars. Thus if Hazrat `Izra'il, may peace be on him, by the command of God, can make a perfect person or a sufi or a mu'min revive in the true sense by martyring him in this very life before the physical death (57:19), then such people while living in this physical life, attain the status of martyrdom in the sight of God and they attain reward and light, not only in the Hereafter, but also in this life. This bliss is also partially attainable by other mu'mins. For, every great work can be accomplished all at once and certainly in stages, too. Thus the sacrifice of life, that is, the act of Hazrat `Izra'il (39:42) is in stages as well as all at once.
4. The work of Hazrat Ibrahim is extremely miraculous and full of wisdom. He seizes the soul on five occasions:
- As a result of successful ibadat and dhikr of God in the heart of a mu'min, his soul is partially seized in the sense that some worn-out particles of the soul are expelled and some fresh particles are brought in.
- The same event takes place when a mu'min sheds tears, implores and prays in the court of the Lord of Honour due to a calamity, hardship or sickness.
- It happens during the state of sleep. That is, during sleep the exchange of the particles of soul, or seizing of soul, takes place repeatedly. Therefore, in order to attain good soul, it is necessary to wake up on time, lest it goes away in this exchange (39:42).
- When a darwash-like mu'min, in his spiritual progress, enters the station of the death causing resurrection, he experiences a complete spiritual death (3:143).
- When the time of the external and physical death comes, the soul is seized finally and completely.
5. Regarding spiritual science and healing, these verses of Hazrat `Ali, may peace be on him, should be reflected upon:
Explanation: You can cure yourself, but true knowledge is necessary for it. It is extremely necessary to know that, that sickness, in fact, is not external but internal. You have understood that you are an ordinary and small body, due to which your sense of responsibility has become limited and therefore you have suffered a great loss. Contrary to this, if you were sure that there is a universal kingdom hidden in you, all your potentialities would have actualised and you would not have suffered this loss. For, unless someone realises the importance and benefit, worth and value of a thing, he does not pay attention to it, nor does he struggle for its progress and upliftment. If you had died spiritually before the physical death, you would have become the speaking book of your deeds, which abounds in the secrets of recognition (ma`rifat).
6. The verse: "When the heaven is skinned" (81:11), indicates that from the dense (body) appears the subtle (body) and one has to go from the outer to the inner. In this verse, by the heaven is meant the entire universe and the things contained in it and by skinning is meant the appearance of the subtle body or the subtle world from the dense body. This means that, one day, from beneath the shirt of the body of the present human being, will appear a subtle miraculous man, just as a moth appears from a silkworm. Thus, if this event happens to a sufi before his physical death, it is his great success and it is the experience of spiritual science. Now he should hope that he will be enriched with the treasure of the intellectual and spiritual health.
7. Hazrat Adam, may peace be upon him, is the first and last unity of all human beings, for he is the single soul (nafs-i wahida) (6:98; 31:28). That is, all human beings in their origin, are his spiritual copies. These countless living pictures of the soul of Hazrat Adam were taken by Hazrat `Izra'il, by the command of God. However, they gradually moved away from their origin and reality. In other words, they fell sick. The holy Qur'an is revealed for their cure, so that everyone may gradually return to his origin and become the true picture of Hazrat Adam, may peace be upon him. In other words, leaving behind multiplicity and duality, he may annihilate himself in the unity of the single soul.
8. Think about this sufic interpretation of the verse (31:28): "Your (first) creation and your raising alive (from spiritual death = inbi`ath) is like that of a single soul (nafs-i wahida)" (6:98;31:28). When Hazrat Adam was created spiritually, then by casting the universal soul in the mould of his personality, as many copies were made of him as the numbers of his children who had to come to this world. Thus, when the inbi`ath of Hazrat Adam took place, their in'biath also took place with him and through his representation. Otherwise, his personal world and his recognition (ma`rifat) would have been incomplete.
9. The universe as a whole is called space, and time comes into existence from its movement. But there is neither space, nor time in spirituality, rather it transcends them both. That is, it is non-spatial and non-temporal, so that the luminous picture of every space and time, which is living and perfect in every respect, may appear according to the will of "Be (kun)", whatever it may be. This shows that spiritual science is the name of the act of angels, which is accomplished according to the Divine law. It should also be remembered here, that angel is created from the knowledge and deeds of a mu'min. Further, in the record of spirituality, namely, the record of deeds, there is everything as mentioned in point 5 above, where it has been explained that it is a speaking book. Now what is this speaking book? It is a great soul, an archangel, a living and wakeful world, a paradise, a quintessence of the universe, a complete light, a personal world, an example of Adam, an image of the Compassionate (Hazrat-i Rahman), and thus it is everything.
10. In connection with spiritual science, what kind of miracles are going to appear in the future? This question is extremely interesting and also extremely difficult. Nonetheless, in the light of the holy Qur'an and spirituality, we will write a few points as follows:
- Since the time of spirituality has now come, therefore, it is my humble request to the Islamic countries throughout the world to establish institutions of spiritual science.
- Some material scientists of a great country will progress in material science and will hear the astonishing voice of the soul and will see the particles of soul.
- The inner senses of man will start to work, such as to observe a luminous world in himself, to hear extraordinary voices, to smell fragrances, etc.
- Through spiritual science, U.F.O's will be conquered, whereby planetary travelling will be very easy.
- People of the east and the west will converse with each other without an instrument.
- At the same time, all the instruments of the material science will become redundant, for spirituality will work better than them.
- War will come to an end and the people of the world will come closer to each other in the sense of peace and harmony.
- All this will happen by the power of the light of Islam. For, it is only this religion which is the religion of nature and which lasts from the beginning to the end.
- This will be the age of secrets, for during it many secrets will be revealed.
- At that time, people will realise that (previously) they were sick.
- At that time, people will be convinced of the spirituality of the holy Prophet, his grandeur and exaltedness and his system of guidance.
- Qur'anic wisdoms will come to light due to the manifestation of spirituality.
- People will see the subtle body and will try to be transferred into it.
- Gradually every kind of evil will be extinct, for the respite given to Satan will come to an end and he will be disgraced publicly.
11. The wise Qur'an is such a vast miraculous and unfathomable ocean of the light of knowledge and wisdom, that the waves of manifold subjects are always surging out of it. It is extremely astonishing that every such wave of it reaches from one shore to the other. Thus the glorious Qur'an is full of the subject of spiritual science, which is, spirituality.
14 Rajab, 1406/26th March, 1986.
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