Surah: 004 - Ayah: 165
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Hujjah (Argument, proof)
It is mentioned in verse (4:165): "Lest the people may have an argument against Allah after (the coming of) the Messengers." This wisdom-filled allusion means that after every Prophet his wasi (legatee) and the Imam of the time are also appointed by God. Only then can it be understood that there cannot be any argument of the people against Allah. That is, on the Day of Resurrection, they will not be able to say that in their time God had not appointed a living and present guide.
The holy Book of God can be studied and understood only in His light. This is the first and foremost condition which the holy Book itself clearly specifies. If we cannot do so, we will not be able to solve any of the present day problems, and for that the argument will stand against us and not against God (4:165). For He has said that He has completed His favour upon us (5:3) and has left no impediment in the religion of Islam (22:78).
This verse has been referred 7 times.