
Surah: 005 - Ayah: 003

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related refs 31:20, 14:34

According to the Qur’anic verse (5:3), the perfection of Islam and the completion of the Divine favour took place the day Mawla Murtaza Ali was appointed successor to the Prophet. This verse shows that the supreme favour of God was completion of the revelation of the Qur’an and the appointed of a successor to the Prophet, namely, waliyy-I amr or the holder of the (Divine) command. There is no favour greater or superior to this.

Pearls of marifat (40-41)

How can a religious person doubt the reality that the holy Qur’an and the religion of nature, namely Islam, in their external and internal vastness, are a complete universe of manifold and diverse heavenly bounties (5:3; 31:20), which is forever luminous and resplendent with the Divine lights and is prosperous with heavenly knowledge and wisdom? In the world of the Qur’an and Islam, the Glorious and Benevolent Lord, through His infinite mercy, has granted everything to all Muslims and mu'mins, not only potentially, but also actually. If all of them together try to count all His favours, they will never be able to attain success in this impossible pursuit (14:34). For, the bounties of the Benevolent and Merciful Lord are limitless and endless. One such great bounty in the eyes of the wise people, is obviously and certainly the health and healing of the body, soul and intellect. Rather, it holds the central position among them, for, it is the external and internal health which is the totality and perfection of the human existence and without it, the realisation and attainment of all other bounties is not possible at all.

Book of Healing (22)

Thus, wherever in the Divine Speech the Quraan is mentioned, the Imam is also necessarily mentioned and vice versa, because neither is the Book without the Teacher, nor the Teacher without the Book. By reflecting for a little while this unchangeable law of religion will be clear that wwith every perfect and complete thing there are its accessories too, otherwise it remains incomplete. Thus according to verse (5:3), the perfection of Islam and the completion of the Divne favour mean that with the Quraan to least its Teacher also and this has continued as a fact.

The Holy Quraan and the Light of Imamat (4)

The Qur’an says that the religion of Islam is perfect and complete in all aspects (5:3) and it also says that God’s physical and hidden bounties are complete (31:20), how is it possible for the Imam of the time, who is the teacher of the Qur’an and the true guide, to not be available and present? Had that been the case and the Imam were absent and unavailable, religion would be incomplete and there would be considerable shortcoming in God’s spiritual and intellectual bounties.

Treasure of Knowledge (25)

This verse has been referred 11 times.