Surah: 014 - Ayah: 034
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Q. 3. According to the verse (14:34): "God has given to mankind or to the people of faith alone, of all they had asked Him". Here the verse does not say that He will give everything tomorrow on the Day of Judgment, rather it says that He has given everything today in this world, but despite all this we see that man is very poor. In this case, what is the secret hidden in this holy verse?
A. Man in the original state of his higher soul (ruh-i ulwi) is in paradise, but his personality In this world, ls as a shadow. Thus there ls no doubt in this Qur'anic reality that man is given everything both today and tomorrow in the life of paradise.
How is it possible for the Supreme Creator to be in azal without creatures, or to be called Sustainer (rabb) without having anything to be sustained (marbub), or to be called Provider (raziq) without having a trace of the provided (marzuq) or for the eternal essence to have contingent attributes. It is not possible. Rather, God is eternal in every respect. This means that there is no contingency in His speech and act, i.e. none of them is new. His speech, namely, the Word of command and the result of the command are both eternal. But He has the power of giving new (jadid) shape and form to old things. (The word jadid is mentioned in eight places in the Qur'an). Spring, for instance, is not a new thing, but every year the same old spring comes with countless delights of newness and freshness and people eagerly yearn to see its attractive scenes. Similarly, God, the Great, the Exalted, always creates new people in His old kingdom and creates new universes within them, so that, a complete universe may be given to everyone who fulfils the condition of obedience. Without this unstinting, magnanimous and unprecedented favour, His infinite mercy cannot be complete (14:34).
Atakum (He gave you)
God says in verse (14:34): "And He gave you of all that you asked Him." Asking God is by means of speech and also by mute expression. Similarly God’s giving is also an actual reality and a possibility. In any case, God has given countless bounties to His servants, which are impossible to enumerate.
Kulliyyah (General rule, principle, universal)
In verse (14:34) there is the mention of a unique and general principle of Divine favours and the treasures of His mercy. If we look into this verse with the inner eye, it becomes certain that no bounty is impossible in spirituality and paradise, as the verse says: "And He gave you of all that you asked Him." (14:34). What do the masses know which bounties are possible? Therefore it is the Prophets and the Imams who asked everything for the people, because it is they who are the true representatives of God from among the people. Thus, the kamils are those treasures of God in which He has kept all bounties for the people of faith.
Universal or whole (kull) means the compendium of the universe, as well as the Perfect Man. For, he is the copy of the universe and he also has many copies. Thus, God, by giving one of his copies to every mu'min, has given him everything (14:34).
Have you reflected with complete attention and depth on the universal law of Divine favours mentioned in verse (14:34)? If not, let us do so now. By understanding the wisdom-filled allusions of this greatest universal law of its own kind, it can be evident what favours the true servants of God can attain from His innumerable bounties. What are those bounties which, despite His mercy and favour, cannot be attained due to some reasons? The verse runs like this: “And He has given you of all that you asked Him; and if you count God's favours, you will not be able to number them; most surely man is very unjust, very ungrateful”. Explanation: Whatever you have asked Him with the tongue of speech or with mute expression, He has given you all of that actually and potentially. The favours of your Lord, which are conditional on knowledge and actions are so numerous that you cannot count them. Then is it not a great injustice and ingratitude that man remains neglectful of and far away from these attainable, abundant spiritual and intellectual bounties?
Q. What things do not exist in the Divine treasures?
A. Everything exists in the Divine treasures and everything is available. The eternal Benevolent, the Compassionate, the Merciful God has given everything to His servants (14:34). Everything has been subjugated to them (45:13) and He has completed all external and internal bounties for them (31:20). The fruitful branch of the pure tree has reached the heaven (Sacred Sanctuary) of the personal world (14:24). You should study all these verses in the Holy Qur'an.
The Sacred Sanctuary is in the forehead of arifs, where all the scattered things of the entire universe are gathered together and nothing related to knowledge is outside this eternal treasure of renewal (ganj-i azal-i tajaddud), because it is the supreme Paradise which is brought close from far away. Thus, everything and all things are in the Sacred Sanctuary as mentioned in numerous Qur'anic verses that "God has granted you every bounty" (14:34).
This verse has been referred 17 times.