
Surah: 005 - Ayah: 095

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related refs 2:125, 22:29, 3:96, 5:97, 2:144

The Qiblah of Islam has many names, such as Kabah, which literally means a square building (5:95); al-Bayt (the House, 2:125); al-Bayti'l-atiq (the ancient House, 22:29); BaytT (My House, i.e. the House of God or Baytu'llah, 2:125); Baytin wudVa IVn-nas (a House assigned for mankind, 3:96); al-Bayta'l-haram (the Sacred House, 5:97); al-Masjidi'l-haram (the Sacred Mosque, 2:144), etc.
From the above-mentioned names of the House of God, it is justified without any ambiguity that, just as it is correct to call the place of worship of Muslims, a Masjid, similarly it is also correct to call it "Jama^at-khdnah", i.e. the religious house of the jama1at or community, because the House of God is the religious house of the people for it is built for the people (3:96). In the light of historical research, if we look at the time of Prophethood, the shape of the Masjid and the Jama`at-khanah appear to be enclosures of the same kind. Thus, according to me, the Holy Prophet's Masjid, which represented the central House of God, that is, the Ka1bah, was the local House of God and the Jama`at-khanah of the present and of the future.

Jamaat Khana 13

The Qiblah of Islam has many names, such as Ka`bah, which literally means a square building (5:95); al-Bayt (the House, 2:125); al-Bayti’l-`atiq (the ancient House, 22:29); Bayt. (My House, i.e. the House of God or Baytu’llah, 2:125); Baytin wudica li’n-n as (a House assigned for mankind, 3:96); al-Bayta’l-haram (the Sacred House, 5:97); al-Masjidi’l-haram (the Sacred Mosque, 2:144), etc. From the above-mentioned names of the House of God, it is justified without any ambiguity that, just as it is correct to call the place of worship of Muslims, a Masjid, similarly it is also correct to call it "Jama`at-khanah", i.e. the religious house of the jama`at or community, because the House of God is the religious house of the people for it is built for the people (3:96). In the light of historical research, if we look at the time of Prophethood, the shape of the Masjid and the Jama`at-khanah appear to be enclosures of the same kind. Thus, according to me, the Holy Prophet’s Masjid, which represented the central House of God, that is, the Ka`bah, was the local House of God and the Jama`at-khanah of the present and of the future.

Fruits of Paradise (99)

This verse has been referred 1 times.