
Surah: 009 - Ayah: 014

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In order to study the subject of healing comprehensively, read these verses carefully (9:14; 10:57; 16:69; 17:82; 26:82; 41:44). You will become certain of the great miracle of the holy Qur’an that, although its wisdom-filled subjects are separate, amazingly all other subjects join with one and thus repeatedly they also become one. According to this law if we see with the inner eye, it will be evident that the entire Qur’an is a Divine hospital, which has saved countless people from fatal diseases, such as atheism, disbelief and idolatry and continues to cure external, internal, ethical, spiritual and intellectual diseases.

Book of Healing (8)

This subject of “Qur’ani `Ilaj or Qur'anic Healing” is basically related to those noble verses in which the word “shifa' (healing)” is prominently mentioned. Literally speaking they are six verses: 9:14; 26:80; 10:57; 16:69; 17:82; 41:44. Nonetheless, with respect to meaning, there is not a single verse which is unrelated to this subject, while one of the names of the noble Qur’an itself is “Shifa' (Healing)” and the Qur'anic subjects are interrelated to and interwoven with one another. For, in this wise Book of God, may He be blessed and exalted, the same one reality is explained through varied and manifold examples. This is according to the principle of the holy Qur’an that it conveys the same reality in a variety of examples (6:65; 7:58; 17:89; 18:54).

Book of Healing (44)

First of all, the word “shifa'” is found in a command (9:14), which is related to jihad (fighting against unbelievers). The explicit meaning of the verse shows that in the fulfilment of the obligation of jihad, there is healing for the chests (hearts) of the mu'mins. For the firm resolve of jihad, which is for the well-being of country and nation, delivers the mu'mins from the diseases of selfishness and voluptuousness. Jihad is of many kinds, for example, each of the great services which is necessary for the sake of the nation and Islam, is a jihad. Thus those mu'mins who accomplish such important services are not only mujahids, but also living shahids (martyrs) (57:19) in the eyes of God, the Exalted.

Book of Healing (44)

This verse has been referred 3 times.