Surah: 010 - Ayah: 039
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Ta'wil (The ta'wil of the Qur’an)
In verse (10:39) it is said: "Nay, they (due to their ignorance) belied that which they did not comprehend with the knowledge thereof, while its ta'wil has not yet come to them." That is, the real light and the decisive knowledge is but ta'wil.
Q73 It is said that in reality the heavenly Book is testified to in two stages: In the first, by the knowledge of certainty and in the second by its ta’wIl. Is this true?
A73 Yes, this is absolutely true and this is mentioned in verse (10:39): “Nay, but they denied that whose knowledge they could not comprehend, and whose ta’wil has not yet come to them. Thus did also those before them deny”.
This verse has been referred 6 times.