
Surah: 012 - Ayah: 094

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related refs 7:57, 25:48, 27:63, 30:46

Rih Yusuf (The fragrance of Yusuf, i.e. spiritual fragrance)

Hazrat Yacqub said: "I get the fragrance of Yusuf." (12:94). Hazrat Yusuf was the Imam. One of the spiritual miracles of the Imam is the manifestation of spiritual fragrances.

Thousand Wisdoms 399 (215)

Where the shirt of Hazrat Yusuf, may peace be on him, is mentioned in the wise Qur’an (12:94), there the word rih (air) is used in the sense of smell or fragrance. Similarly, in the verses (7:57; 25:48; 27:63; 30:46) also “ar-riyah (winds)” are used in the sense of fragrances. This means that Islam is a living religion, and by coming closer to the soul, the winds of higher Paradise start to blow. In these winds, there are various kinds of fragrances, which with their mute expression (zaban-i hal) give glad tidings of the torrential rain of full-fledged spirituality. Thus the breathing dhikr advances towards these fragrances, by which the diseases of the intellect, soul and body are cured.

Book of Healing (160)

We accept every verse of the Wise Quraan as an universal principle. Thus the subtle body of the Prophet and Imam is mentioned in the shirt of Yusuf, in which there are various kinds of fragrance of Paradise. Thus the purpose of giving importance to fragrance in the pure sunnat of the Holy Prophet is that every wise mumin should recognize the reality of the ruh (spirit) and rih (scent, breath) of Hazrat Yusuf (12:94).

Sublime Realities (14)

This verse has been referred 4 times.