
Surah: 025 - Ayah: 048

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related refs 24:45, 76:21

Example 6: Water, on the surface of the earth, is clean and pure in some cases and it is muddy and dirty in others, but when the rain pours from the clouds, then according to the Qur'an (25:48), it is always pure and clean. In this example, in the language of wisdom it is said that those teachings of religion which come through traditions, some may be sound and others fabricated, but the knowledge which flows from the fountainhead of guidance of the Qur'an and the Teacher of the Qur'an, is extremely pure and clean.

Rubies and Pearls 55

Ma (Water)

The water of spiritual knowledge always rains from the heaven of the light of guidance, as mentioned in verse (25:48): "And We sent pure water down from the heaven." Water also comes from far distant streams, but such water is not praised in this way.

Thousand Wisdoms 791 4163)

The third meaning of this example is that Hazrat Ᾱdams heart was purified through the Holy Spirit, just as the entire purification of the surface of the earth is done by water and of water by air, which is done in many ways: When air lifts vapor off the saltish water of the ocean and transform it into clouds, then the water which pours from it is pure and clean, neither saltish nor unclean, as the Qur’ᾱn alludes to this: “And We sent pure water down from the heaven.”(25:48)

Pir Nasir Khusraw and Spirituality (10)

In verse (25:48) the water which comes down from heaven is called "tahur" which means "very pure". By this water is meant the knowledge of the Holy Prophet which appears from his Bab (gate), namely, the true Imam. For the rain of knowledge which poured down from the heaven of Prophethood has turned into reservoirs in the mountain of Imamat, just as the worldly mountain stores rain and snow on its exterior and in its interior and preserves them in their original state. Thus, to those who live close to this blessed mountain, this very pure water of religious knowledge is always available to purify the soul and intellect. In verse (76:21) it is said that God will give a pure drink (sharaban tahura) to the people of Paradise. As has already been mentioned, by this is meant true knowledge.

Fruits of Paradise (94)

This verse has been referred 5 times.