Surah: 015 - Ayah: 029
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Here we will cite an example which will enable the wise to assess how the story Adam is mostly inclined towards tawil. In the Quran the world sajdah, which literally means to bow down and technically to prostrate, is perfect and complete in its meaning. Wherever it has been used for any kind of physical sajdah it is used alone in of its form. But whatever it is used for spiritual prostration of angels to Adam it is commanded by God, in a special way, in two words:” faqau lahu sajidin (then fall down prostrating unto him (unto Adam)” (15:29; 38:72). Here the worth consideration and tawilic word is ‘qau’ (from the root of waqa: to fall down) in which is the command to fall down. It signifies the state of spiritual prostration of the souls of mumins (= spiritual angels) to Adam, the vicegerent of God. That is to say when the souls of mumins in the world of particles (alam-I dharr = spiritual world) performed the prostration of reverence and obedience (sajdah-I tazim-u itaat) to Adam, they fell down in his pure body as particular (dharri) angels who were compounds of astral body and soul.
God, the Nourisher of honour, first of all, appointed Hazrat Adam as the mazhar of the absolute light, which is also called the Divine Spirit, as God says; "When I will perfect him (sawwaytuh) and breathe into him My spirit ("the word Be, kalimah-j kun) (at the rank of soul and the rank of intellect), then do you fall down, prostrating yourselves unto him" (15:29; 38:72). In this Divine teaching, the Divine act of the word "sawwaytuh (I have perfected him)" is being elevated from the stage's of spirituality and has reached the light of Intellect (the Divine Throne), for the Divine spirit, which is the Divine Word (kalimah-i bari) is breathed in at this stage.
Q. If the spiritual and the intellectual miracles of the Prophets and Awliya are alike, could you please tell us what the miracle of the cycle of Resurrection in Hazrat Adam was?
A. The Divine Spirit which was breathed into Hazrat Adam (15:29; 38:72) was done through Sur-i Israfil, because although the examples of the forms of "n,fkh" mentioned in the Qur'an are different in zahir and tanzil, their ta'wil is the same in that it is the blowing of the Sur.
According to the Qur'an, God breathed His spirit into Hazrat Adam (15:29, 38:72). This, however, does not mean that this spirit was with God and then separated from Him. It rather means that the eternal light which was appointed by God began to be transferred from one bodily attire to another, and with respect to the special vicegerency of God, it is said that God breathed His spirit into Adam. As the spirit of God was in Adam, similarly the Qur'an also has a separate soul.
Another aspect of the great event by which God has sworn, is that which has already been mentioned, that the souls of stars are in the position of angels, and their falling on a mu 'min who passes through his personal Resurrection is on the one hand the falling of stars and on the other, the example or the renewal of similitudes of the falling down of angels in prostration to Hazrat Adam, about which God says: "So when I have made him complete and breathed into him My spirit, fall down in prostration to him," (15:29; 38:72).
It has been repeatedly discussed and accepted, as an obvious fact that, the spirit of God (15:29; 38:72), which was breathed into Hazrat Adam, was His light. The same can be called the Universal Soul or the earth of God (4:97; 29:56; 39:10), in which there was the universal vicegerency of Hazrat Adam, in which is also hidden the meaning of Imamat, as it is clear from the universal principle of Imamat (36:12). Thus, how amazing and great is this concept of the Qur'anic wisdom that, Hazrat Adam, God's Elect, was granted the vicegerency of the earth of God (the Universal Soul)! And this vicegerency still continues, for the angels who are going to be born, need the knowledge of Adam, without which they cannot climb the stairways whose distance is fifty thousand years (70:3-4) and reach the court of God. If there is knowledge in everything and every example (20:98), how can these stairways be material?
For God, the beneficent created him in His Own image. Had this not been so, then according to the law of nature, the Divine spirit would not have had any link with the existence of Adam, about which God says: “So when I have perfected him and have breathed in to him of my sprit(light), do you fall down, prostrating yourselves unto him”.(15:29) This verse shows that the form of Adam is in one respect, the surat-I Rahman or the Divine Form, although God is free from and above everything, in the other respect.
There are great wisdoms hidden in the way in which soul is mentioned in the story of Adam. For instance, before breathing the perfect soul into Hazrat Adam, God said: "My Soul" (15:29; 38:72) attributing this to Himself. The great secret which it is necessary to recognise here is that the Divine Spirit which was breathed into Hazrat Adam, or the Divine Light that was being transferred, was previously in another Perfect Man. Several Qur’anic examples can be provided to explain the specific relationship between "God’s Spirit - God’s Light" and God, in that the spirit or soul does not have a relationship with God as such ( dhat-i subhan), but that this relationship is the name for its grandeur, exaltedness, purity, nobility and Divine proximity. Some of these examples are:
Rope of Allah (3:103), House of Allah (2:125), Hand of Allah (48:10), Side of Allah (39:56), Face of Allah (55:27), Days of Allah (45:14), Book of Allah (30:56), Path of Allah (12:108), Dais of Allah (2:255), Throne of Allah (69:17), Pen of Allah (96:4) etc.
The way in which these exalted and sacred things are attributed to God is due to their special proximity to Him, and the Spirit of Allah is not different from the above examples. That is, God is free from and above having the soul or the spirit as a part of Him.
It is clear and explicit from the Wise Qur'an that the Spirit which God breathed into the first man of that cycle, i.e. Hazrat Adam, was also breathed into Hazrat Maryam (see verses: 15:29; 21:91; 32:9; 38:72; 66:12). This shows that the Holy Spirit which had appeared in Hazrat Adam has continued through the sacred chain of the Prophets and Imams. In fact, the light of this Spirit has been attained by the religious dignitaries, such as Hazrat Maryam, who was neither a Prophet, nor an Imam, but only a siddiqah (a truthful lady). Then you have to certainly believe that the same Divine or Holy Spirit, due to which Hazrat Adam had become the object of the prostration of angels, is still in the Perfect Man. Therefore, every Prophet and Imam is worthy of veneration and honour and no sensible person would ever say that this is disbelief or polytheism, when we know that the veneration (i.e. prostration) which the angels had done to Hazrat Adam, according to the command of God, was far greater than any veneration. This is a fundamental proof of the exalted rank of the Perfect Man. This will be followed by some other proofs and demonstrations from the Qur'an, the Hadith and logic about the grandeur and veneration of the Holy Prophet and the Imam of the time.
Q517 Our very dear and esteemed President Ghulam Mustafa Momin from Atlanta asked the following question on the telephone: “Sahib! Please tell us the basis for the division of the twelve jazirahs in this world for the sake of dacwat-i haqq? Does the system of hudud-i din still continue? Are there still one hujjat and 30 dacis in every jazirah?”
- Regarding the vicegerency of Hazrat Adam(c), Allah says: “I am going to appoint a vicegerent in the earth” (2:30). In this verse by the earth is meant people because Allah did not say “on the earth”, rather He said “in the earth”.
- This means that not only do the Divine vicegerency (by the name of [recognition and]) Divine guidance continue externally among the people, but Adam(c)’s real recognition and [guidance] continue within the carifs.
- Thus, by the command of Allah Adam(c) underwent the resurrection and the Divine Spirit started to work in him (15:29; 38:72). By this blessing the universe was subjugated to him and seventy thousand subtle human beings were created from his blessed personality.
- Furthermore, seventy thousand angels were also created at the place of intellect. According to Allah there are twelve nations in the world which are the twelve jazirahs. For every jazirah one hujjat and 30 dacis are appointed from among the subtle human beings.
- The inner (batini) system of hudud-i din did not only exist in the time of Adam(c). The same system continues even today spiritually.
This verse has been referred 12 times.