True Vision - Hazrat Ādam and Imam
Hazrat Ādam and Imam
Tags: Hazrat Adam, Hazrat Maryam, Holy Spirit
It is clear and explicit from the Wise Qur'ān that the Spirit which God breathed into the first man of that cycle, i.e. Hazrat Ādam, was also breathed into Hazrat Maryam (see verses: 15:29; 21:91; 32:9; 38:72; 66:12). This shows that the Holy Spirit which had appeared in Hazrat Ādam has continued through the sacred chain of the Prophets and Imams. In fact, the light of this Spirit has been attained by the religious dignitaries, such as Hazrat Maryam, who was neither a Prophet, nor an Imam, but only a siddīqah (a truthful lady). Then you have to certainly believe that the same Divine or Holy Spirit, due to which Hazrat Ādam had become the object of the prostration of angels, is still in the Perfect Man. Therefore, every Prophet and Imam is worthy of veneration and honour and no sensible person would ever say that this is disbelief or polytheism, when we know that the veneration (i.e. prostration) which the angels had done to Hazrat Ādam, according to the command of God, was far greater than any veneration. This is a fundamental proof of the exalted rank of the Perfect Man. This will be followed by some other proofs and demonstrations from the Qur'ān, the Hadīth and logic about the grandeur and veneration of the Holy Prophet and the Imam of the time.
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