
Surah: 021 - Ayah: 050

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related refs 65:10, 2:269

Possessors of Intellect and Nasihat (Exhortation): One of the names of the Qur’an is Dhikr (21:50) and one of its meanings is exhortation. There is no doubt that the entire Qur’an is an exhortation but it benefits only those who possess intellect, as it is said: “But none becomes exhorted except those who possess intellect.”(2:269).

Pure Intellect 36

One of the well known names of the Qur’an is "Dhikr" (21:50), and this is also one of the names of the Holy Prophet (65:10-11). You should be aware that dhikr means the remembrance of God as well as advice and counsel. Thus those who acquire Qur’anic knowledge receive not only the reward of the remembrance of God and advice but also the reward of the companionship of the Holy Prophet and the people of dhikr, the Imams.

Fruits of Paradise (152)

This verse has been referred 3 times.