
Surah: 021 - Ayah: 080

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related refs 34:11, 16:81, 34:12, 12:93, 7:26, 16:5

The question whether Hazrat Da'ud was a Prophet or Imam is very important for the sake of knowledge and recognition. The correct answer to this question is that, in zahir he was a Prophet and in batin he was an entrusted (mustawda) Imam, Since the main purpose (of the teachings of the Qur'an) is the recognition of the Imam, so every representative story and every representative verse is about the light of Imamat. One of the Qur'anic proofs of Hazrat Daud's lmamat is: "And We taught him the art of making coats of mail (ibdai shirts) for you, that they might protect you in spiritual war; will you then be grateful?" (21:80).

Psalm of lovers 3

Hadid (Iron, sharp, keen)

Verses (21:80; 34:11) show that the coats of mail were made from this miracle of iron of Hazrat Dawud. The ta'wil of this is that paradisiacal attires are created from the spirituality of the Imam of the time, as is said in verse (21:80): "Will you then be grateful (for this unique bounty)?" These coats of mail are also the same sarabil (sing. sirbal, garments) which the kamils wear during the spiritual war (16:81).

Thousand Wisdoms 276 (148)

Qalib (3) (Subtle body, garments, ibdai body)

In verse (21:80) God mentions His great favours in these words: "And We taught him the art of making garments (labus) (of mail) for you." Here if we do not disclose the main favour of God by explaining the mithal and mamthul of the word labus, many questions may arise today about the mithal, i.e. the garments (of mail). Therefore, here we should say that the ta'wil of labus is the subtle body and that of Dawud is the Imam of the time.

Thousand Wisdoms 374 (359)

It was the Divine perfect power and grace that living miraculous mail-coats were made in the spiritual workshop of Hazrat Da'ud. There is no doubt for the people of recognition that this miracle is special for every Prophet and every walt. This living mail-coat (labus, 21:80) has many names, such as ibdai body, subtle body, mihrab (fortress, 34:12), ibdai shirt, shirt of Yusuf (12:93), rish (adornment, 7:26), sarabil (garments, 16:81), dif' (warmth, 16:5), body of similitude, heavenly body, astral body and paradisiacal attire.

Practical Sufism and Spiritual Science (46)

To explain some of the great wisdoms of the Prophets of the Qur’an in an article on Salman-i Farsi is itself a clear proof of the greatness of Salman’s spirit and knowledge, so let us try to learn a great secret as a supreme favour of God. That great secret is hidden in verse (21:80): "And We taught him (Dawud) the art of making a garment so that it may protect you in your wars. Are you then grateful?" What was this art which nobody but God knew? Was it the art of making coats of mail? Think well! In this Divine teaching, mentioned in a wisdom-filled way, it is clear that the favour that is mentioned is not one that can be diminished in value by material and physical progress in the world. A garment which protects the servants of God from every kind of physical, spiritual and intellectual war is the subtle body and is the greatest favour of God and it is for this reason that He asks His servants to be grateful. If you study the history of Imamat beginning with Hazrat Adam, you will discover that Hazrat Dawud and Hazrat Sulayman succeeded to the rank of Imamat one after the other. Thus when you are able to see this garment, you will see that it is the greatest miracle of the exalted Imam and as is clear from the above mentioned verse, this art of the true Imam is from God.

Fruits of Paradise (132)

This verse has been referred 5 times.