
Surah: 023 - Ayah: 029

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related refs 6:92, 38:29

Mubarak (Blessed)

In verse (23:29) there is a very great wisdom-filled representative prayer, which is: "And say: O my Lord, disembark me in a blessed place (of embarkment) and you are the best of disembarkers."

Murda qabrar aki un tiku lo pasoom aashiqe ruu! Duuste jismu lo dukuwar chaa gane zindaw lo hurut

O the soul of lover! do not enter in a dead grave, it is not worthy of you; Revive in the subtle body of the Beloved and remain forever in this ever-living (subtle body). (Diwan-i Nasiri, p. 111)

Thus, the blessed place for our souls is the astral body of the Imam.

Thousand Wisdoms 794 (418)

This verse has been referred 1 times.