Surah: 039 - Ayah: 023
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Standing up of Hair (Goose bumps')
Q. 69. Standing up of hair or shivering is also mentioned in the Qur'an (39:23) and sometimes we also observe it in ourselves or in others. Is there any spiritual cause for it other than the external causes? And if any, please explain it.
A. Yes, the state of standing up of hair also has a spiritual cause. However, first we would like to say a few words about the external or physical causes of it. The hair of a man stands up and he shivers when his skin is caught by a severe cold or he feels an intense fear. The cause of this state is all those innumerable particles of the animal soul with which the entire body is filled. These particles when they face this unbearable and unpleasant condition, become disturbed and restless, therefore, they wake up from their peaceful sleep and move in their own place, resulting in hair standing up or shivering.
If this event is in spiritual form, the causes of it are all those innumerable particles of the human soul, which are in the entire existence of man. When a fortunate mu'min, in the light of true guidance, performs abundant dhikr-u bandage, the particles of human soul receive strength and happiness, due to the radiation of the rays of the Holy Spirit, awakening them and creating a yearning for union in them, which result in the standing up of hair or shivering.
No sooner does an effective medicine of a skilful doctor reach the body of a patient, it starts to show its full effect. By this it should be understood that, it has started to cure the disease, by permeating the entire body. As the spiritual Doctor, regarding the medicine of the Qur’an says: “Allah has revealed the best Word (namely, the Qur’an) in the form of a book, equivocal and repeated, by which do creep the skins (bodies) of those who fear their Lord; then their skins and hearts do soften to Allah's remembrance” (39:23). The explanation of this Divine teaching is that, in the human body there are more than 50,000,000,000,000 cells which are alive and they also die, and to each of them are attached countless souls. Thus the cause of the creeping of skins of those who fear God, or their trembling because of the voice of the Qur’an or the Divine remembrance is that, each cell of the body and its souls awaken from the sleep of negligence and each particle of the body, which is alive, trembles due to fear and yearning under the influence of Divine remembrance. This shows that in this noble verse, by skin (body), are meant the living cells. And it is in the sense of cells that, along with the heart, the body can also be engaged in the remembrance of God.
The description of the light which is fixed for the skin is extremely interesting. Thus one of the waves of this light has frozen at the outer part of the human skin. This frozen light is particularly found on the face. Had this light of face not been there, Adam, may peace be on him, and his children would not have had any relation with the Form or Image of the Compassionate (Surat-i Rahman). When the faithful servant smiles, being pleased by the good news of the Qur’an and Islam, then you should understand that there is a wave of light on his face. If he becomes serious, being concerned about religion, then this is another wave of light. If a fortunate (mu'min) sheds tears in the love of the holy Prophet and for the sake of spiritual progress, this is a third wave of light. This wave is very powerful and it is expected that it may cause a revolution [in his personal world]. Moreover, look in verse (39:23) so that, you may be sure of the miracles of the light of skin and may attain the wealth of external and internal healing.
See point 5 in this article, where verse (39:23) is mentioned. This verse means that under the influence of the holy Qur’an and ism-i a`zam, the bodies of the chosen mu'mins shiver and this shivering is such an extremely useful miracle that their bodies i.e. all the cells and heart, become tender by it, and turn to the remembrance of God. Since the body is a compendium of cells and the cells contain innumerable particles of soul, therefore, softening of the body and remembering God together with the heart, means that the cellular souls wake up and become engrossed in Divine remembrance. Thus, it is evident that, by the quake or shivering of an `arif, each and every cell of the body wakes up and by the favours and blessings of the great name of God, the Great, the Exalted, the body remains safe and secured from all diseases and afflictions.
Question: What are the great benefits hidden in the quake, if it is in its real sense?
Answer: In it there is the practical fear of God and the fruit of it (39:23), it is the indigence, restlessness and cry (for help) of true love (27:62), it is the reward of humility and hidden supplication (7:55), it is natural purification and sanctification (9:103), it is a great miracle of spirituality (41:53), it is a mercy that the earth of the soul moves to thrive (22:5), it is an inner revolution and an example of the great Resurrection (22:1), it is a great sign of the eternal life (8:24), it is an experience of the communication with the Supreme Soul (58:22), it is the quake of the minor Resurrection of the personal world (99:1-8), it is the trial of the final stage (33:11), it is the sweet and pithy fruit of patience and prayer (2:153), it is the beginning of the heavenly succour and help and waking up of the cellular souls (2:214), and it is the spirit of the Qur’an which comes with medicine and healing for the fortunate mu'mins (17:82).
Part 66
In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful
One of the descriptions of ism-i aczam is in verse (39:23): “Allah sent down the best discourse, a book consistent yet repeating, and makes the skin of those who fear their Lord shiver; then their skins and their hearts incline to the remembrance of Allah. This is Allah’s guidance. He guides with it whomsoever He wills”.
Q132 Is ism-i aczam mentioned in the Qur’an everywhere in the best parables? Is the fountainhead of the Qur’an and ism-i aczam the same? Is it among the miracles of ism-i aczam that when it is remembered correctly, the skins shiver (39:23)?
A132 The answer to all these questions is ‘yes’. However, the meaning, reality, spirituality and luminosity of ism-i aczam is in the Imam of the time.
Q498 What is the thing praised in verse (39:23)? Would you kindly explain some of its beauties?
- This verse first praises the holy Qur’an and then it praises the ism-i aczam (supreme Name). The beauties and miracles of the wise Qur’an are open to everybody, but it is extremely difficult to have access to the miracles of ism-i aczam.
- Ism-i aczam is the excellent speech of God, which is equivocal and it is repeated as a remembrance. The skins of those dhakirin who fear God shiver by its remembrance, then their skins and their hearts become tender and incline to the remembrance of God.
This verse has been referred 9 times.