
Surah: 045 - Ayah: 029

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Kitabun yantiqu 3 (The Qur'an within the Imam, which is also the record of deeds of the righteous ones)

God says in verse (45:29): "This Our Book (which is also your record of deeds) speaks against you with truth." That is, the Qur'an and the Imam together in the state of a single Light (nur-i wahid). Had there been any other miraculously speaking Book other than the Qur’an in the Imam, then that would have been more praise-worthy and the Qur'an would not have this comprehensive and universal attribute of "And We have revealed to you the Book as an explanation for everything." (16:89). Thus it is evident that the single light of the glorious Qur’an and the holy Imam is also the record of deeds of the righteous, which is in cIlliyyun (83:18).

Thousand Wisdoms 715 (379)

This verse has been referred 18 times.