Caskets of Pearls Vol. 1 - Casket of Pearls 5

Casket of Pearls 5

Tags: Mi`raj, Spiritual Eye, Inner Eye, Speaking Book, Record of Deeds, Book of Deeds, `Illiyyun, Bounties

Q41 Did the holy Prophet see the secrets of mi`raj with his external eye or the eye of his heart?
A41 Mi`raj is related to the soul as it is obvious from answer and as it is evident from verse (53:11) that the holy Prophet saw all the miracles of mi`raj with his spiritual eye or the eye of the heart. In verse (53:11): "the heart did not belie what it saw" means that it is the heart, which saw, and it is the heart, which affirmed.

Q42 Is recognition of the soul and recognition of the Lord attained with the external eye or with the inner eye? If you say that the recognition of all inner or spiritual things (or realities) is with the inner eye (or the eye of the heart), then does not the event of mi`raj from its beginning to its end takes place internally and hence is observed with the eye of the heart?
A42 In connection with recognition, it is necessary to understand verse (22:46): "Verily it is not the eyes that are blind, but blind are the hearts which are in the breasts". It is evident from this verse that recognition is not in the physical, but rather in the spiritual state. Therefore, the recognition of all inner things (realities) is in the spiritual state. Since mi`raj is a spiritual reality, therefore, from the beginning to the end it is a spiritual experience and can be observed with the spiritual eye.

Q43 The wise Qur'an in verse (2:18) says about the disbelievers: "They are deaf, dumb and blind; so they do not return." Are they in this condition physically or spiritually?
A43 In verse (7:179), God says: "They have hearts but do not understand with them, they have eyes but they do not see with them, they have ears but they do not hear with them. They are like cattle, nay even worse than them". This verse shows that they are spiritually deaf, dumb and blind, not physically.

Q44 The speaking book is mentioned in verses (23:62; 45:29). Please tell us what is meant by it? Is it an amazing speaking book? Or a writing, which reads itself? Or the speaking Qur'an? Or the Imam-i mubin (the manifest Imam)?
A44 The speaking Book is the Imam of the time, who is the manifest Imam and the speaking Qur'an, as well as the book of deeds of the people.

Q45 Does the salik, i.e. the mu'min who walks on the spiritual path who, by the mercy of God, is revived after dying spiritually in this life, receive his record of deeds or not? If he receives it, would it be speaking or silent? Is it possible that the Imam himself may be his record of deeds?
A45 The salik mu'min who, by the mercy of God, is revived after dying spiritually in this life receives his book of deeds, which is speaking as is clear from answer 44. This book is the Imam of the time, who is witness over the people, as well as their book of deeds.13

Q46 Our pirs and religious dignitaries had the complete experience of the spiritual death and resurrection and as a result had received a very complete record of deeds in the form of the speaking book by which is meant the light of the Imam of the time. What kinds of benefits do we receive from such dignitaries?
A46 We receive the everlasting wealth of knowledge, wisdom, secrets of resurrection, recognition of the Imam, hope and glad tidings from such dignitaries of religion.

Q47 What is the meaning of verse (69:19): "Then as for him who is given his book (record of deeds) in his right hand, he will say: Here take and read my book"?
A47 This means to discuss the miracles and secrets of spirituality and resurrection, to explain knowledge and wisdom and to make his friends and people aware of the recognition of the exalted Imam.

Q48 What is meant by verses (84:7-9) where it says: "Then as for him who is given his book in his right hand, he will surely receive an easy reckoning and he will return to his family joyfully." Is it not the mention of the individual and representative resurrection? Is the joy that of the `arif or of all his people? Is this not a collective success and joy? By joy does it not mean the subjugation of the universe and the treasure of knowledge? Is it not the greatest joy that the Imam (= speaking book = speaking Qur'an) has become the record of deeds of the `arif?
A48 This is the individual and representative resurrection of an `arif that takes place in this world. He undergoes it successfully and returns to his people with the boundless happiness of the treasure of knowledge and recognition. Thus this success and happiness is collective and by this is meant the subjugation of the universe and the treasure of knowledge. The greatest happiness is that the exalted Imam becomes the `arif's book of deeds (speaking book = speaking Qur'an).

Q49 It is mentioned in verses (83:18-21): "Nay, the book of the righteous is in `Illiyyun; and what makes you know what is `Illiyyun? A (living) book inscribed, which the close ones (to God) see." This translation (God willing) is in the illumination of the light of recognition. Now tell us who are `Illiyyun? Are they the Universal Intellect, the Universal Soul, the natiq and the asas? Are they all the Prophets and awliya' (Imams)? Are they the (living) inscribed book? Is the book of deeds of the righteous in this living book? It is the truly amazing mercy of God that He has ranked the book of deeds of the righteous as the Universal Intellect, the Universal Soul, the natiq and the asas. Is it the meaning of these verses?
A49 Since `Illiyyun is an inscribed (living) book, therefore it is the Imam-i mubin in which everything is encompassed. It is the Universal Intellect, the Universal Soul, the natiq and the asas; it is all the Prophets and awliya' and the book of deeds of the righteous. It is indeed a highly amazing mercy of God that He has ranked the book of deeds of the righteous as the Universal Intellect, the Universal Soul, the natiq and the asas.

Q50 What is the meaning of the bounties mentioned in verses (83:25-26): "They are given to drink of a wine sealed, whose seal is musk"? Is this the praise of the bounties of paradise, which are unique, incomparable and truly amazing? Is the diversity of knowledge and wisdom also so amazing?
A50 Indeed, this is the praise of the unique, incomparable, extraordinary and amazing bounties of paradise, which are in the form of the diversity of knowledge and wisdom.

13 For details see: Practical Sufism and Spiritual Science, pp. 155-59.

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