
Surah: 052 - Ayah: 024

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related refs 52:24, 56:17, 76:19, 37:45, 43:71, 76:15,

Wisdom 16: The wisdom-filled law of the Holy Qur'an must be remembered that, together with the external description of everything in it, there is also the implicit mention of its hidden knowledge and wisdom. The external is called mithal and internal, mamthul, as it is said in verse (52:24): "And young attendants like hidden pearls will go round." The analogy given here of young attendants or ghilman going round or circumambulating, stands for the sun of the light of intellect revealing the secrets of pre-eternity and post-eternity by its rotation of rising and setting.

Manifestations of Wisdom 21

Although the bounties and favours of Paradise are countless, they are divided into three major kinds: bounties of the subtle body, spiritual bounties and intellectual bounties. As in this material world, the heaven, the earth, the sun, the moon, the stars, the day and the night, the month and the year, all serve in the form of rotation, i.e. circumambulation, similarly, the servants of Paradise (ghilman), who are like concealed pearls, present intellectual bounties and circumambulate instantly. That is, they appear and disappear instantly (52:24; 56:17; 76:15,19; 37:45; 43:71)."

Sweet Smelling 79

Ghilman (sing. ghulam) (Lads, youths)

It is said in verse (52:24): "And there go round, waiting on them youths of their own, as if they were hidden pearls." That is, the intellectual ghilman who continue to present, time and again, examples of knowledge and demonstration of wisdom. In this verse there are subtle allusions to the secrets of the treasure of azal, the Pearl of Intellect and the hidden Book.

Thousand Wisdoms 639 (337)

Yatufu (He circumambulates/will circumambulate)

It is mentioned in verse (52:24): “And youths who are like hidden pearls (in beauty) will go round them (in service).” On the earth the pilgrims circumambulate the Ka'bah, in the heaven the angels circumambulate the baytu'l-ma'mur, in the higher world the great angels circumambulate the Supreme Throne and in paradise the act of ghilman is also a kind of circumambulation. Thus circumambulation is a very wisdom-filled act, which alludes to rotation, circle, beginninglessness and endlessness, renewal of similitudes and all circular secrets (asrar-i mustadir).

Thousand Wisdoms 986 (513)

This verse has been referred 4 times.