Surah: 054 - Ayah: 017
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It is mentioned in a noble Hadith: “There are 124,000 Prophets of God from the children of Adam …” (Sara’ir, p. 200) so that, by the command of God, in order to actualise the world of particles from its potential state, they may awaken all the dormant faculties of man and activate all his hidden abilities. Thus the benefactor of humanity, the seal of Prophethood, may the peace of God and His salutation be upon him and his progeny, through a wisdom filled, perfect and complete book such as the Qur'an and through the bright instructions and teachings of a natural religion such as Islam, made the ethical, religious and spiritual progress of man very easy. It is mentioned four times in the Surah (54): “And indeed We have made the Qur'an easy for remembrance, but is there anyone who remembers?” (54:17). One meaning of the verse is that God has linked the Spirit of the Qur'an to His Supreme Name, so that its remembrance may be the remembrance of the quintessence of the Qur'an. What a great miracle and favour of God, may He be blessed and exalted, this is!
The verse is: "And verily We have made the Qur'an easy for exhortation (remembrance, ibadat, knowledge and wisdom). Is there anyone who pays attention?" (54:17, 22, 32, 40). That is, We have made the Qur’an easy in its four levels: first in the form of the entire Qur'an, second in the form of the suratu'l-fatihah, which is the Mother of the Book, third in the form of the Supreme Name (ism-i azam) and fourth in the form of the Hidden Book. In this case, God willing, the entire Qur'an will be easy. O my aziz! Would you like to have ease in name only or in the real sense? If you want real ease, you have to act upon the guidance of the Mighty Qur'an, which is: "Verily with difficulty there is ease." (94:6). It is possible that among the many ways of understanding the Qur'an, one is extremely easy and which may be the principle of attaining recognition of the Qur'an in the luminosity of the Supreme Name.
Part 66
In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Reflect on verses (54:17, 22, 32, 40) that the Qur’an is made easy for the sake of remembrance. That is, the Qur’an is also in the form of ism-i aczam. “Ar-Rahmanu callama’l-Qur’an” (55:1-2). The Compassionate God gave the Perfect Man the luminous and cirfani teaching of the Qur’an, through the ism-i aczam.
Q353 It is said in verses (54:17, 22, 32, 40): “And verily We have made the Qur’an easy (yassarna’l-Qur’an) to admonish and remember. Is there anyone who may admonish and remember?” Please explain to us how God has made the Qur’an easy. Is the Qur’an so easy by itself or are there other means to make it easy?
- God has also appointed Light together with His magnificent and unique Book (the Qur’an), so that remembrance, cibadat, guidance and admonition may be easy in its illumination.
- The Qur’an, not only has a zahir but a batin too, which is far greater. Therefore, the Qur’an as a whole is extremely difficult. The greatest miracle of the Qur’an is that it is the wisdom-filled speech of God, the Knowing, the Wise. It is because of this that if men and jinn had come together to bring a book like the Qur’an, it would not be possible for them to do so (17:88).
This verse has been referred 5 times.