
Surah: 056 - Ayah: 078

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KItab-i Maknun (Hidden Book 56:78): This is in the Divine Pen (Universal Intellect) as well as in the Guarded Tablet (Universal Soul), in the Light of Imamat as well as in the very batin of the Quraan itself. Is is touched only by those people who have been purified from the filth of ignorance. The supreme secret of touching is that at the level of Intellect, the renewal of similitudes of the secrets of realities and recognitions take place in the example in the example of touching in which lies the unity and togetherness of countless secrets.

Pure Intellect 34

Yatim (Matchless)

Durratun yatamah, unique pearl is the Pearl of Intellect, hidden Book and the exalted Imam (56:78).

Thousand Wisdoms 965 (504)

This verse has been referred 9 times.