
Surah: 075 - Ayah: 023

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(d) What does the Holy Quraan say about the Divine vision? What is the meaning of verse (75:23): “They will be looking towards their Lord”? It is fundamental belief of Islam and also a fact that God is free from and above having organs and limbs. At the same time it is also clear in the Wise Quraan and religion of nature (Islam) that extremely exalted rank of the vicegerent of God is also a fundamental reality and in this law of vicegerency, it is clear that just as the vicegerent of God can be ruhullah (Sprit of God), yadullah (Hand of God)and lisanullah (Tongue of God),he can also called wajhullah, as it clear from the Hatidh: “He who saw me, has seen God” that, the Holy Prophet was God’s Face. Without this concept, the true explanation of the verse s related to the Face of God is not possible, see from instance:

Sublime Realities (40)

This verse has been referred 2 times.