The Importance of Giryāh-u Zārī in the Ismaili Tariqah

These verses are specifically about the Prophets who are the chosen of God and who are the Perfect Men. They are role models for the rest of the human beings. We see in the story of many Prophets that giryāh-u zārī was part of their lives. For instance, Ḥaz̤rat-i Dā’ūd is famous for his supplications and giryāh-u zārī to the extent that whatever he uttered in this state of merging (fanā’) is considered to be Divine speech, which is why the Zabur or the Psalms is considered one of the four heavenly books. In other words, effective giryāh-u zārī results in luminous, Divine help (ta’yid) in whatever task that is to be done.

This excerpt has been taken from page 2.