Flowers of Paradise

On page four, ‘Allāmah Naṣīr al-Dīn Naṣīr Hunzai describes this publication as follows: “This book ‘Bihishte Asquring’ or ‘Flowers of Paradise’ consists of sixteen Burushaski, one Persian, two Urdu and four Turkish poems. In addition, it also consists of four important articles.”

An excerpt from the poem ‘Call to Pen’:
If he (the real beloved) calls to my pen, it will walk on its head
However long the path may be, it will never get tired

He has bought a sapling of Paradise and planted it in my heart;
With the tears of love, I water it daily and now it will blossom.

O companion!  Why do you say: “This dark night of injustice is a heavy burden of the heart”;
Where is the rise of a pleasant morning without a preceding dark night?

The indigent Naṣīr, the slave of your love, looks always to you;
If you speak in his heart, he will speak, otherwise, not.