Jang – Special Interview

The sun is the universal and cosmic example of the light of love. It is both world-adorning and world-consuming. That is, it is because of the sun that the garden and the rose-bed become radiant and lush and it is because of the sun that they become dry and desolate. The reason for this is that, in reality, the one who gives life is also the one who takes it. Wisdom thus lies in benefitting from both the light and the fire of the miracle of love. In the illumination of the light of love, you should continue to walk on the straight path, and in the fire of love, you should continue to burn the carnal soul (burn away your lower, evil desires and thoughts in the light of love for the Divine) again and again. God willing, this will result in the greatest success. 

This excerpt has been taken from pages 1 and 2.