The Holy Qur’ān and the Light of Imāmat

One of the Qur’ānic proofs of the above-mentioned fact that it is impossible to see the realities and recognitions of the ta’wīl (esoteric meaning) of the Qur’ān without the support of the light of Imāmat, is: “Indeed, there has come to you from Allāh a Light and a manifest Book” (5:15). In this blessed verse, God acknowledges the rank of Imāmat as the light of the ta’wīl (esoteric knowledge) of the Holy Qur’ān, and draws attention to their mutual link and inseparability and alludes that, without the help of the light of Imāmat, it is impossible to see the path to the treasures of the ta’wīlī sciences of the Qur’ān, just as it is impossible to see physical things without material light. 

This excerpt has been taken from page 10.