
Surah: 048 - Ayah: 026

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The word “sakinah (peace)” is mentioned in the Qur’an in six places: 2:248; 9:26; 9:40; 48:4; 48:18; 48:26. By sakinah is meant the spirituality in which lies the peace of heart. It should be remembered well that some of the great companions, may God be pleased with them, were passing through the spiritual miracles of God and His true Prophet, and one of them was the word of taqwa (kalimah-yi taqwa) (48:26). As the holy Qur’an says: “Then God sent down His peace (spirituality) upon His messenger and upon the believers and affixed to them the word of taqwa, for they were worthy of it and meet for it”. (48:26). This is the perfection of taqwa, that the Supreme Name of God was repeating itself in the hearts of those great companions and at the same time, Hazrat `Izra'il was purifying them by pulling their souls upwards, again and again. This is the spiritual death, which is granted to the friends of God before the physical death. Those great companions of the Prophet had an ardent yearning for this purposeful death, therefore, they observed it consciously (3:143).

Book of Healing (52)

God, the Exalted, through His perfect power, has created for men an automatic world, whose heavens, earth, sun, moon, stars, etc. work automatically. Scientists have made automatic machines in the light of this law of nature. From this example, it becomes easy to believe the wonders and marvels of spiritual science, that not only is the dhikr of the angels automatic, but also at special times the successful sufis and true mu'mins, experience the miracle of automatic dhikr. And this kind of automatic dhikr adheres at the stage of `Izra'il (manzil-i `Izra'ili) (48:26). Although this dhikr belongs to Hazrat `Izra'il, which is used for the experiment of dying before (physical) death of a pure-hearted sufi, yet this same automatic dhikr also belongs to that fortunate person in whose ear Hazrat `Izra'il recites it.

Book of Healing (80)

The sakinah (=taskin, peace), which is mentioned in (48:26), is the name of complete spirituality and kalimah-yi taqwa, which is mentioned here, means that ism-i a`zam which is related to Hazrat cIzra'il, may peace be upon him, which is other than Allahu akbar. This great name either remembers itself automatically, or the angel of death, namely `Izra'il continuously recites it. In this sense, this name (ism = kalimah) is adhered to the ear of the chosen fortunate mu'mins, so that, in this stage of `Izra'il, they should experience the spiritual death prior to the physical death. There are countless wisdoms in this death and it is the perfect taqwa. During this, the act of seizing the soul is repeated for several days, in which the lower end of the thread of the soul remains linked with the brain and the rest of the body becomes dead every time. Man at this time is neither in the body, nor in the heart, but he finds himself in the brain.

Book of Healing (152)

There is no doubt that the fear of God or taqwa has many levels both externally and internally and at the place of soul and the rank of intellect it is in the form of the manifestations of knowledge and miracles, for in verse (48:26) God has attached the word taqwa (kalimatu’ttaqwa) to mu’mins. Thus the word taqwa which is a Supreme Name is also a miracle of knowledge and good deed, as well as an automatic Divine remembrance. In all these meanings God has mentioned that He has favoured some mu’mins by showing them the spiritual miracle of the word taqwa, and hidden in this is an Izra’ili secret of purification.

Fruits of Paradise (25)

In connection with this Word, it is said about the mu’mins of the period of Prophet hood: “Then Allah sent down His peace (sakīnah) upon His messenger and upon the believers and attached to them the word of righteousness ((kalimatu ‘t-taqwᾱ), and they were worthy of it and entitled to it.” (48:26). In this verse, it is said in the way of wisdom that when mu ‘mins, in addition to cibᾱdat, perform extremely great services for religion, God sends down to them a special kind of spiritual peace, as a result of which, the miraculous Word which is attached to them, starts to speak in their mind and heart automatically, i.e. The Divine remembrance continues in their heart and mind day and night, and then starts a chain of innumerable miracles.

'-Pir Nasir-i Khusraw and Spirituality (41)-,

The principle that ease automatically comes after enduring hardship is also among the teachings of the glorious Qur’an. Therefore, after passing through numerous stages of piety there comes a stage in the path of spirituality where piety becomes a living word, i.e., an automatic speaking Supreme Name (ism-i aczam) and causes a personal resurrection or revolution in the spirituality of true mu’mins which the people of recognition (ahl-i macrifat) call the power of cIzra’il (taqat-i cIzra’iliyyah). In this regard, the wise Qur’an says:

“Then Allah sent down His peace (sakinah) upon His messenger and upon the believers and affixed to them the word of piety (kalimatu’t-taqwa), and they were worthy of it and entitled to it” (48:26).

'-Treasure of Knowledge (14)-,

This verse has been referred 10 times.