Caskets of Pearls Vol. 2 - Casket of Pearls 89
Casket of Pearls 89
Tags: Paradise, Seven heavens and seven earths, Heavens, Earth, Siqaya, Suwa`, Hazrat Yusuf, Bin Yamin, Beauty
Q881 Where is the spatial paradise? What is the characteristic of non-spatial paradise? Where can the paradise which is brought near be?
- Spatial paradise is in the entire universe (see: 3:133; 57:21).
- The characteristic of the non-spatial paradise is that it does not need space.
- The paradise brought near is in the personal world as is the paradise for the sake of recognition.
Q882 It is said in Surah-yi Bani Isra'il (17:78): "Inna Qur'ana'l-Fajri kana mashhuda". Please tell us its wisdom.
- Qur'an means the Divine speech, but it also means to recite the ism-i a`zam.
- Therefore, it is said [in this verse] that by reciting the ism-i a`zam regularly at dawn, spiritual observations are experienced.
Q883 Please tell us when the ism-i a`zam becomes automatic? Is this miracle mentioned or alluded to in the holy Qur'an?
- This miracle begins in its real sense with the commencement of qiyamat and some asma'-yi `izam begin to recite automatically.
- One allusion to it is in Surah-yi Fath (48:26).
Q884 The seven heavens and seven earths are mentioned in the last verse of Surah-yi Talaq (65:12). What is their ta'wil?
- The seven heavens of the world of religion are: the six natiqs and Hazrat Qa'im (May peace be through him). Each one of them has a hujjat-i a`zam and together they are the seven earths of the world of religion.
- These seven inner heavens and seven inner earths are encompassed by the Universal Soul (2:255).
Q885 There is no symbolised (mamthul) without a symbol (mithal), no esoteric without the exoteric, no ta'wil without the tanzil, [because] they are like the body and soul. Therefore, it should not be surprising if the story of the external and inner heaven and earth is similar to some extent. What do you think about this?
- Your statement is based on a clear proof, therefore it is possible that in this external universe there could be [seven heavens and] seven earths simultaneously or one by one.
- When we look at the world of religion we come to know that the people of every great cycle are bound to the benefit of one pair of heaven and earth only, then there is a greater possibility that [the seven heavens and] the seven earths come into existence by turns, just as a week has seven days but these do not occur simultaneously.
Q886 By God! Most of what you say is full of spiritual science. You have given some ta'wils about heaven and earth in which you have also said that if the same universe is heaven from one dimension, from another it is the earth. What is its proof?
- There is a great universal secret in Surah-yi Anbiya' (21:30), which in the Qur'an is called ratq (joined) and fatq (split), and their ta'wil is in the Sacred Sanctuary.
- The ta'wil is that in reality the heaven of the Universal Intellect and the earth of the Universal Soul work together as a single Angel. Nonetheless, the universal allusion there shows that in Qur'anic language the heaven and earth are one as well as two.
- Second proof: When the seven inner heavens and the seven inner earths are within the Universal Soul and the Universal Intellect is also joined with it/him, why should the material heavens and earths not be one in the form of the universe?
Q887 The following Qur'anic teaching is in Surah-yi Dhariyat (51:20-21): "There are signs in the earth for the muqinin (those who are sure in faith). And within yourselves." Which earth is this in which there are signs or miracles?
- This is the planet which people call the earth; it is also the universal earth as well as the earth of the Universal Soul which encompasses the seven heavens and seven earths of the world of religion, and the Universal Intellect is also together with it.
- All these miracles are also in a human being, who is the microcosm or the personal world.
Q888 This question is related to Surah-yi Yusuf (12:70, 12:72): Are siqaya, which means giving water, the place of water, drinking cup and suwa`, which means a goblet in which wine is drunk and sac which is also called suwa` (a famous measure) one thing? What is their ta'wil?
- Their ta'wil is the Pearl of Intellect because these meanings and all other such meanings are related to it.
- It is the place of giving the water of knowledge to inner pilgrims, it is the goblet of Kawthar, it is the goblet of the wine of paradise, it is the measure of the realities and recognitions.
Q889 When Yusuf ordered his brothers' goods to be loaded, he put his siqaya or suwa` in his brother Bin Yamin's bag (12:70). In doing so, had Imam Yusuf (May peace be through him) given his brother a rank of the hudud-i din?
A889 Certainly, he must have raised his brother to the rank of a hujjat.
Q890 What is the wisdom (ta'wil) in Hazrat Imam Yusuf (May peace be through him) being extremely handsome and beautiful?
- Hazrat Imam Yusuf (May peace be through him)'s physical beauty is only an example, whereas real and true beauty is in spirituality.
- Allah Himself is the most beautiful, then every Prophet, every Imam and every `arif possesses spiritual beauty.
- Briefly pay attention to aesthetics and note the beauty of precious stones in the world of minerals. Every person is bewildered by the beauty of precious stones although this belongs to the level of a lower domain.
- Then observe carefully the beauty of the vegetative kingdom, that is, observe the flowers of various kinds. Your heart will exclaim in amazement what a bewitching scene this is! After this reflect on the animal kingdom, where because of the animal soul you will see more beauties, for example, their beautiful and playful off-spring whose intoxicating movements are truly wondrous and marvellous.
- Now let us move to the world of people, who are the most noble of creatures and who physically are the symbol of the Image of the Compassionate, so imagine the state of their spiritual beauty! Those who have seen the soul say that the beauty of the spiritual world is thousands of times superior to human elegance and the beauty of the entire world. It is true that the inner eyes are dazzled by the luminous vision of the soul.
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