Caskets of Pearls Vol. 2 - Casket of Pearls 96
Casket of Pearls 96
Tags: Tazarru`, Paradise, Progeny of Ibrahim, Ummat-i Muslimah, Ummat
Q951 Please tell us the interlinked wisdom of the noble verse (40:15) of Surah-yi Mu'min.
A951 First it speaks about God being the exalter of ranks and then it states that He is the Lord of the Throne (`arsh). Here it is indicated that although there are many ranks of spiritual progress, the rank of merging in God and surviving in Him is in the Lord of the Throne, after [attaining] which every great bounty can be available.
Q952 Please give us the meanings of the word 'tazarru`'.
- Tazarru` = to show humility, to entreat.
- For the amazing secrets of tazarru` see in the wise Qur'an: Surah-yi An`am (6:42, 6:43, 6:63), Surah-yi Muminun (23:76) Surah-yi A`raf (7:55, 7:94, 7:205).
Q953 What kind of residence will there be in paradise for the righteous?
- The Qur'an says that the righteous people will be in the gardens of paradise, in its springs as well as on the royal throne. See Surah-yi Hijr (15:47) and the last verse of Surah-yi Qamar (54:55).
- What ranks are attainable in paradise for the righteous! They will be in the gardens of paradise, in its rivers, and in the seat of true knowledge (sidq) with the omnipotent sovereign.
- They will have tall buildings made up of storeys upon storeys, (Surah-yi Zumar: 39:20).
- These noble verses have the ta'wili wisdom that God adorns His friends with all excellences and miracles in paradise.
- With God's grace, they can be present everywhere in paradise, so that they can attain every type of bounty there.
Q954 What wisdom is there in God providing space for His friends in the springs and rivers of paradise?
- There is a great favour and tremendous wisdom of the Lord of the two worlds in doing this:
- That He joins His friends with those higher hudud and makes them one.
- Due to the hudud all the gardens of paradise are prosperous,
- such as the Universal Intellect, Universal Soul, natiq, asas and the pure Imams,
- who are the springs of paradise as well as its rivers.
Q955 This question is extremely amazing and fascinating: Is paradise prepared and protected from beforehand? Or is it granted to the righteous as inheritance? Or is it created anew and afresh by the deeds of God's friends?
- According to the Qur'an all three ideas are absolutely correct and a reality.
- Paradise is prepared in advance for the righteous, one example of which is in Surah-yi Al-i `Imran (3:133).
- The mention of paradise as an inheritance is mentioned in Surah-yi A`raf (7:43).
- Now we have to show that in every time a new paradise is made for God's friends from their deeds and which is in every way protected and untouched. Note carefully in Surah-yi Rahman (55:56, 55:74) and be certain that this paradise is protected and untouched, just as its hurs are protected from and untouched by man or jinn.
Q956 What kind of people become living paradises?
A956 They are those of God's friends who outstrip others in all work with knowledge and wisdom. Such fortunate ones become living paradises in their own selves.
Q957 Can we become more aware in recognising the progeny of Ibrahim (May peace be through him)?
- Yes indeed, it is possible.
- It is stated in Surah-yi Zukhruf (43:28) that Hazrat Ibrahim (May peace be through him) left this ism-i a`zam and recognition as a word enduring (Kalimatan baqiyah) in his progeny so that they may return [to God].
- Ism-i a`zam and its outcome are not separate from the recognition of Imamat, therefore it is true that the Kalimatan baqiyah means the Imamat.
- Therefore this noble verse is also about the progeny of Ibrahim (May peace be through him) and the progeny of Muhammad (May Allah send blessings and peace through him and his progeny).
- It would be wise for you to read all those noble verses which are about Ibrahim (May peace be through him)'s progeny together in a linked way and with the unity of their meanings.
- It is written in the books of the dignitaries of religion that according to the teachings of the pure Imams, the collective name of the true Imams in the Qur'an is ummat-i muslimah, as it is in the prayer of Hazrat Ibrahim (May peace be through him) and Hazrat Isma`il (May peace be through him): "Rabbana wa'j`alna Muslimayni laka wa min dhurriyyatina Ummatam-Muslimata'l-laka" (2:128).
- This most special Ummat-i Muslimah are the mustaqarr Imams from the progeny of Ibrahim (May peace be through him) and the progeny of Isma`il (May peace be through him), who are the forefathers of Prophet Muhammad (May Allah send blessings and peace through him and his progeny) and Hazrat Imam `Ali (May peace be through him), and certainly Hazrat Imam Abu Talib (May peace be through him) is also in this sacred chain.
The above mentioned prayer also includes the following: 'O our Lord! And raise up in their midst a messenger from among them (i.e., Hazrat Muhammad (May Allah send blessings and peace through him and his progeny))'. The ta'wil of this is that Muhammad (May Allah send blessings and peace through him and his progeny)'s light was in the personal world of his forefathers (the mustaqarr Imams), because the Imams are witness over the people, the Prophet is witness over the Imams and God is witness over the Prophet. This means that people can attain knowledge from the Imam (May peace be through him) of the time, whose knowledge is from the Prophet and his is from God.
From the above, this greatest secret has also become known that in the personal world of every Imam and every Prophet from Ibrahim (May peace be through him)'s progeny, the light of Muhammad (May Allah send blessings and peace through him and his progeny) was manifest. This is the exegesis of the above-mentioned verse (2:128-129). Al-hamdu li'llah!
Q958 God says in Surah-yi Baqarah (2:143): "Wa kadhalika ja`alnakum Ummatan wasatal li-takunu Shuhada'a `alan-nasi wa yakuna'r-Rasulu `alaykum Shahida." Please tell us the translation and ta'wil of this noble verse which is according to Imam Baqir (May peace be through him).
- It is written in Da`a'imu'l-Islam: 'And We have made you (Imams) such a community (ummat) that is extremely just.'47
- So that you may be witness over the people and the Prophet may be witness over you.
- Imam Baqir (May peace be through him) told the questioner: "We the Imams from the ahl-i bayt are the intermediary community (Ummatan wasata) and we are God's witnesses over the people and we are appointed by Him as hujjats on this earth."48
Q959 In Surah-yi A`raf (7:181), God says: "Wa mimman khalaqna ummatun yahduna bi'l-haqqi wa bihi ya`dilun." Please tell us the wisdom of this noble verse.
- Translation: "And of those whom We created there is a (group) of people who guide with truth and act justly (with the truth)."
- Such people are the Prophets and Imams and except for them there is no such ummat.
Q960 A question arises here: Is there a single person to guide with truth or is there an ummat?
A960 There is a single person, but there are other hudud-i din with him. For the recognition of the hudud-i din, read Wajh-i din. The hudud-i din of every time are mentioned in the above noble verse, which extols Ibrahim (May peace be through him)'s progeny and Muhammad (May Allah send blessings and peace through him and his progeny)'s progeny.
47Da`a'imu'l-Islam, Vol. I, p. 21.
48Da`a'imu'l-Islam, Vol. I, p. 21-22.
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