Surah: 033 - Ayah: 043
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Q. My very dear brothers and sisters in faith! May the salawat (blessings) of God and His angels descend upon you and all mu'mins (33:43)! Tell me what is the result or fruit of such salawat! Who are those great angels who send salawat upon the mu'mins? A. Since this salawat is for the sake of bringing forth mu'miris from the darkness of ignorance towards the light of intellect, thus it is true to say that the soul-nourishing fruit of salawat is knowledge and wisdom and the great angels who send salawat after God are the Universal Intellect and the Universal Soul in the heaven and the Natiq and the Asas on the earth, in whom are gathered all celestial and terrestrial angels. Thus, the blessings which the Imam of the time grants are in reality the salawat mentioned in verse (33:43),
In the Holy Qur'an is mentioned the salawat or peace from God and His angels to the mu'mins (33:43). But in the ordinary case, they do not receive the heavenly peace (salam), rather, it is bound and conditional to following the guidance (20:58; 13:24). It is because of this reason that salam is not recited for every mu'min, except the prophet, imam, archangel and ahl-i bayt. And this is because of the fact that salam or peace is the light of ta'yid.
Regarding the revelation of salawat to the mumins from the exalted Court of God, He says: "He its Is who reveals to you palawat and His angels also reveal to you salawat, that He may bring you forth from darkness unto light" (33:43). This galawat of God is revealed from the treasure of the Divine Word (kallmah-1 barl) based on the knowledge and wisdom of ta'yid (Divine help).
The above-mentioned law of salawat is also mentioned in verse (33:43), which is: "He it is Who sends His salawat on you, and His angels also, (through Muhammad and his progeny), that He may bring you forth from the darknesses (of ignorance) into light (of knowledge)." The same reality is evident in verse (9:103): "(O Prophet!) Take sadaqah out of their wealth; thereby you will cleanse them and purify them; and make a special prayer for them (i.e. send them the heavenly gift, the salawat). Verily your salawat (in which is the salawat of God and angels, 33:43) is a source of satisfaction for them."(9:103).
Sixth wisdom: God, according to His sunnat (law, habit) and wisdom enfolds and unfolds, not only the universe, but also everything. Thus a world of knowledge and wisdom is enfolded in all the exalted Quranic words and the durud is among the most exalted of them, because according to the phrase "yusalli" (33:43), God makes the light of the durud.
Wisdom of Durud (Salawat);
Reflect well upon the blessed verse (33:43) in which the sending of durud upon mumins is mentioned: "He it is Who sends durud (blessings) upon you, and His angels also, that He may bring you forth from darkness (of ignorance) unto light (of knowledge and wisdom). And He is merciful to the mumins."
The importance of salawat of the Holy Prophet does not end here, rather, in order to understand the reward, fruit and purpose of salawat, it is necessary to examine all those verses which are related to the subject of salawat, so that its need and importance may be clear. For instance, from the verse (33:43), it is clear that the purpose of God and His angels in sending salawat is to bring mumins from darkness into light. This means that salawat, in its origin, is in the form of spirituality and knowledge and wisdom.
Salawat: Salawat is a wisdom-filled subject and specifically relates to spirituality. For, according to the Qur'anic verse (33:43), Salawat is a spiritual thing through which, God, the angels and the Prophet bring the mumins out of darkness into light. By this is meant the observation with the eye of certainty and the light of marifat (recognition). Thus the word Salawat has great importance, both with respect to ibadat and with respect to meaning and wisdom. When God sends Salawat on mumins, can it be merely a speech, or is it a Divine act? If it is accepted that it is indeed a Divine act, then it has also to be accepted that it is an internal thing, namely spirituality. That the Salawat of God is not a speech, but is an act is revealed by the fact that we, in our salawat ask Him to send it. With this the speech comes to an end and then comes the turn of the act which depends on His will. But when God Himself says: "He and His angels send salawat then it is obvious that this wisdom-filled thing is a spiritual act, not a prayer like our salawat.
Salwat (Blessings):
Argument 4: The Holy Quran says: He it is who sends blessings and His angels too, so that He may bring forth from darkness unto light (33:43). Another verse: And of rustic Arabs of the desert there are those who believe in God and the Last Day and consider why they spend to be a means approach to God and the blessings of the Messenger. Verily it shall be a means of approach for them; soon shall God admit them to His mercy (9:99).
In these two verses the concept of God’s guidance and mercy is conveyed to them. When the method is such that in coming forth to the light from darkness and in attaining closeness to God,the angels and the Messenger can help, then for guidance and mercy should not our belief, concept and knowledge have a yearning to have recourse to these means? And to those who are able to help, for they have been appointed by God in order to help, is it wrong to say to them: Help us!? Hallowed be God! It should be remembered that although externally (spiritually), the angel, the Prophet and the Imam are separate, internally (spiritually), the angels are not separate from the light of the Prophet and the Imam.
O Allah! send blessings through Muhammad and through the progeny of Muhammad as You sent through Ibrahim and through the progeny of Ibrahim. You are praiseworthy and glorious! O Allah send benediction through Muhammad and the progeny of Muhammad as You sent through Ibrahim and the progeny of Ibrahim. You are praiseworthy and glorious! (Qur’an (33:43, 56); Bukhari, IV, 385).
Without Salawat neither does the door of Qur’anic medicine open, nor can prayer reach the Divine court. Salawat has a great secret and an extremely sweet paradisiacal fruit, for the recognition of which see verse (33:43).
Khaza'in 5 (The treasures of God which are in the form of great angels)
One of the examples of how the Divine treasures, which are the great angels, work can be found in verse (33:43): "He it is Who sends blessing on you and His angels also, that He may bring you forth from darknesses into light." The meaning of "sending of blessings by God" is that He only commands, but the duty of sending is accomplished by the great angels who have the status of being His treasures, whether it is blessing (salah) or anything else. It should be noted that the command is higher than the action, thus the action is subordinate to the command. Therefore, it is the glory of God that He does not work in order to accomplish any work, He simply commands.
This verse has been referred 14 times.