
Surah: 002 - Ayah: 001

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related refs 3:1, 23:62, 29:1, 30:1, 31:1, 32:1, 45:29

In the Wise Quran, the “muqatta at” letters of alif, lam, mim, are mentioned in the begeining of six surats ( and 32) and those of alif, lam, ra in the beginning of five (10,11,12,14, and 15). A special tawil of these two forms is this: Alif is the oath by the First, namely the Pen; Lam is the oath by the Tablet; Mim/ra is the oath of writing (marqum/raqim). In other words, they are the universal Intellect, Universal Soul and the word “Be” (kalmia-i kun), which are the great signs and the Book as well.

Precious Treasures 87

Q456 Please explain the farman of Hazrat Mawla cAli(c): “I am that Book in which there is no doubt”.


  • In verses (2:1-2) God says: “Alif, lam, mim. That is the Book wherein there is no doubt.” As you read in Mawla cAli(c)’s farman, these verses are about him, for it is he who is the speaking Book (23:62; 45:29).
  • Thus, this is the praise of the speaking Qur’an, namely the Imam of the time, in whom there is no doubt. That is, there is in him only certainty (yaqin), which is on three levels: the knowledge of certainty, the eye of certainty and the truth of certainty. Doubt and certainty are contrary to each other. Thus, the purpose of the negation of doubt is that the meanings of certainty should come forward from behind the veil.
Casket of Pearls Vol 1 (219)

This verse has been referred 8 times.