
Surah: 006 - Ayah: 035

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related refs 52:38, 10:25, 6:94, 57:19, 2:156, 70:4

Another Qur'anic name of ladder is sullam (6:35; 52:38). It is called sullam because, man reaches the higher (world) with safety through it (Lughatu'l-Qur’an, III, 226). This is its literal analysis. Now, on the basis of this example, we can say that there is also a heavenly (spiritual) ladder, which is the means of ascending towards the real health and peace, which is the level of annihilation in God. Annihilation in God has many synonyms, or explanations, such as, to merge in the truth, to enter the abode of peace (10:25), which is Paradise, to attain the hidden treasure through the recognition of God, be martyred in the love of God and become immortal (57:19), to go to the presence of God all alone (6:94), to return unto God (2:156), ascent of the angels and Spirit (70:4) and according to a sacred hadith, God becoming the ear, eye, etc, of His close servant. All these realities are related to annihilation in God.

Book of Healing (102)

This verse has been referred 1 times.