
Surah: 011 - Ayah: 056

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related refs 75:44?, 17:104, 31:28

Lord on the Straight Path:
In the verse (11:56) is mentioned: "Verily my Lord is on the straight path." This means that the guidance of the straight path always continues and that the Prophet is the representative of God and the Imam of the time is the representative of the Prophet.

Rubies and Pearls 105

Sometimes points of wisdom are easily understood in the form of questions and answers. Therefore, I ask myself: What is the the straight path and the ultimate destination of guidance on it? The answer is, it is God (11:56; 75:44). If people have to go to the presence of God one by one (6:94), how are all of them enfolded (17:104)? By this act of God all become one (31:28). The holy Prophet had gone to the place of miraj (ascent) all alone. What is the secret in it, while he had to take all the Muslims with him and make them reach God? Indeed, the holy Prophet had gone to miraj alone, but within his exalted personality there was the world of particles, in which all those who loved him were hidden in the form of particles. That is, they were annihilated in the holy Prophet potentially, and later on they became annihilated in him actually and attained sound health forever.

Book of Healing (229)

Sirat mustaqim (Luminous path)

It is said in verse (11:56): "Verily my Lord is on the straight path." That is, the representative of God (the Imam of the time) is the path of luminous knowledge and guidance from the beginning to the end. And this is the ta'wil of the straight path.

Thousand Wisdoms 501 (267)

Q127 It is said in verse (11:56): “Verily my Lord is on the straight path.” Please explain this verse.

A127 Allah’s being on the straight path means that the Imam, who is the mazhar of the light of guidance after the holy Prophet, is the straight path in his luminosity, because whatever belongs to God is in the form of an angel and the Perfect Man. Therefore, he who is the true guide is the straight path and the way of God, just as the Prophet [in his time] was the speaking Qur’an, embodied Islam and light in a human form (nur-i mushakkal).

Casket of Pearls Vol 1 (60)

Q180 Please give us an example from the Qur’an, which nobody would consider as containing treasured knowledge.

A180 God willing! Let us see in verse (11:56): “There is no creature that crawls (dabbah) but He holds its forelock.”

  • By dabbah or crawling creature is meant only a salik who walks and advances on the spiritual path.
  • By forelock is meant the inner senses, which are in God’s Hand, so that he may be able to walk towards the ultimate destination by this spiritual attraction.
  • The following ta’wil is also possible: The inner senses of the salik are in the grip of the love of the true Guide, as the last part of the verse shows: “Verily, my Lord is on a straight path.” The straight path means the Guide of the time, because it is he who guides on behalf of God.
Casket of Pearls Vol 1 (90)

Q361 It is mentioned in verse (11:56): “Verily, my Lord is on the straight path”. What is its wisdom?


  • Its wisdom is that Allah has appointed a guide for the people of every time, who is the straight path as well as its guide and His mazhar.
  • Thus, the meaning of God being on the straight path is that His mazhar guides the people of faith on it.
Casket of Pearls Vol 1 (175)

This verse has been referred 7 times.