
Surah: 078 - Ayah: 029

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related refs 15:19, 19:93, 23:63, 45:29, 57:19, 17:13, 18:49,

In the verse (78:29), it is said: "And We have encompassed everything in a Book." In order to understand the reality of this Book, in which there is everything, first of all we have to think about its nature, whether it is spiritual or material. If it is said to be material, then it has to be equal to the entire universe. For, everything means the entire universe and the existent (which apparently is impossible). On the other hand, if it is said that this Book in which is contained the entire universe, is of a spiritual nature, then it sounds correct. And in fact, this is the meaning of this verse. And all the things of the universe, which are contained in it, are in spiritual form, and it is the spirituality of the Qur'an which is also called the light of the Prophet and the Imam. By observing in the light of the realities and the gnoses which are mentioned from the beginning to the end of this booklet, it becomes evident that the holy light of the Prophet of God and the Imams of guidance is always there as the spirit and spirituality of the Wise Qur'an. It is this light which has remained the fountainhead of the Divine guidance for the people and in its spiritual manifestations are hidden the treasures of the marifat, the recognition of God. Therefore, a mumin should always struggle to be able to attain the spiritual observation and recognition of this holy light.

Quran and Spirituality 39

Many people admit that marifat means the vision of God (didar-i ilahii But some of them forget that in search of His holy didar (vision), His greatest signs are also observed, such as the Pen, the Tablet or the Throne, and the Dais (kursi), the necessary and essential realities of the pre-eternity (azal) and post- eternity (abad), space and spacelessness, time and timelessness, the annihilation and survival of the universe, Paradise and Hell, congregation (hashr) and dispersion (nashr), i.e. the resurrection, spirits and angels, etc. Thus in the recognition of the spirit of the Qur'an are included the recognitions of all these signs of God, as it is said in the Qur'an: "We have enumerated everything in a book". (78:29). This same book is the record of deeds of man, the light of the Perfect Man and the spirituality of the Qur'an, in which there is everything.

Quran and Spirituality 29

The Perfect Man actually, and all other humans beings potentially, are the living and speaking Book of God, in which are encompassed all the examples of the realities and recognition of the both the worlds (78:29). this same book in the compendium of the records of the deeds (17:13; 18:49) and no example is excluded from it. Thus, by observing this book (personal world)it becomes evident that, just as the macrocosm is created from one single pearl, the microcosm too, is created from a single pearl. In the former, soul is the both frozen in the form of mountains as well as active in the creation of minerals. In the latter, it is immobile in the cells of bones as well as mobile. Further, just as the life of trees comes from the vegetative soul, so also does the life of human hair.

Sublime Realities (37)

Ahsa (He has encompassed them)

It is said in verse (78:29): "And We have encompassed everything in (the form of) a book." The meaning of everything cannot be complete without intellects and souls, nor can a merely silent book possess all intellectual and spiritual (moving) things. Therefore, it is true to say that this is a description of the speaking book, i.e. the Imam-i mubin.

Thousand Wisdoms 33 (35)

Kitab (Record of deeds)

In verse (78:29) it is mentioned: "And We have encompassed everything in (the form of) a Book." That is, the entire world is enfolded in the personal world of everybody and this is the witness of the extremely detailed book of deeds, i.e. the light of Imamat.

Thousand Wisdoms 706 (376)

Now, I would like to say about the holy Qur’an, that it is that perfect, complete and wisdom-filled Book, which is revealed to the holy Prophet, the seal of the Prophets and mercy for the world. Therefore, this last Book of God, in its spirit and spirituality, is not only the record of deeds of the Muslim community, but it also comprises all the individual and collective records of deeds of the previous communities. For it, in its light, is a complete and exact copy of the Guarded Tablet. As God says: “And We have encompassed everything in a book” (78:29). Now think a while, and tell me what can be outside such a book, which is a living and speaking luminous copy of the Guarded Tablet, which contains all the records of deeds of the first and the last ones and which, if you witness dying before death, itself speaks (23:63; 45:29), which externally and internally is the Guarded Qur’an (15:9), and whose voice and teachings comprise all levels of people. Thus, the voice of the holy Qur’an is listened to by everyone according to his belief, love and capacity and in this respect, those friends of God, who have died before death, are the foremost (57:19).

Book of Healing (57)

Q27 In verse (78:29), it is said: “And We have encompassed everything in a book.” Is this book the manifest Imam, or is it a different book?

A27 Indeed, this book is the manifest Imam, otherwise how is it possible to encompass all intellectual, spiritual and physical things in a lifeless book?

Caskets of Pearls Vol 1 (19)

This verse has been referred 11 times.